
Game Development - Educational Projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unity 2D

01. Basics

  • Open project, select 2D
  • Project Browser - all files in the project, create folders
  • Hierarchy - all game objects and their combinations
    • double click to center on object
    • create empty object to use like folder
  • Inspector - all properties of selected game object
    • Transform - change position, rotation and scale
    • Settings of obect (size of camera is 1/2 of height)
    • Components - scripts, rigid body...
  • Camera - at least 1 camera (we can have more)
    • Scene - add and manipulate objects
    • Game - camera proportions and preview window
  • Layers - ways to separate objects
  • Publishing builds
    • Build settings - and Build

Game objects

  • everything is game object
  • default components - Name, Tag, Layer, Transform
    • use Tag for selection
    • sorting layer - will order objects based on their order
  • static option - object will not be calculated
  • optional components
    • sprite
    • camera
    • animation
    • physics (rigid body 2D)
    • script


  • create custom object that can be dublicated
  • make folder "Prefabs" and drag object inside (from Hierarchy)
    • if blue than it is part of prefab
    • break prefab instance - detatch from prefab
  • ctrl + D clone objects

02. Mathematics


var vector = Vector2.one; // (1, 1)
var right = Vector2.right; // (1. 0)
var left = -Vector2.right;
var up = Vector2.up; // down -> -up
var velosity = velocity + gravity; // sum of vectors
var velosity = 0.7 * velosity; // scalar
var length = velosity.magnitude; // length of vector
var lengthSqrt = velosity.sqrMagnitude; // faser calculation of square length
var distance = Vector2.Distance(first, second); // find distance between 2 vectors
var normalized = position.normalized; // make length 1
var dotProduct = Vector2.Dot(position, speed); // check position between 2 vectors
var angle = Vector2.Angle(position, direction); // find angle between

Mathf.Clamp(10, 1, 3); // arrange numbers between

03. Physics

Physics Components

  • Rigidbody 2D - gravity and forces will apply
    • do not change transform component from scripts
    • use only forces to transform object
    • use is kinematic to make object not moveable
    • at least one collider must have rigid body
  • Box Collider 2D
  • Circle Collider 2D
  • Polygon Collider 2D
  • Edge Collider 2D
    • register collisions
    • both object need to have collider
    • one of the objects must have rigid body
    • can make invisible colliders
  • Is Trigger
    • Physics is not working bur Unity registeres it
    • Event can be catched and used in code
    • OnTriggerEnter2D()
    • OnTriggerStay2D()
    • OnTriggerExit2D()
  • Static Collider
    • If collider does not have Rigidbody - do not move!

Physics Materials

  • Create material first - Assets -> Materials -> create
  • Friction - coefficient
  • Bounciness - from 0 - no bounce to 1 - full bounce


  • Different types of joints
  • Attach to object or point in space

04. Scripts

using UnityEngine;

// "this" is the game object that is manipulated
public class SpeedController: MonoBehaviour
    // if we know other game object, use this
    public GameObject gameObj; // shows in editor, can drag any game object
    public otherTransform gameObjTransform; // can get componet only from other object

    public float speed = 0.5f; // use public field for editor incpector
    private float movement; // does not show in editor
    private Rigidbody2D rb; // to use components

    private float offestX; // offset X between this and camera
    private float offestY; // offset Y between this and camera
    void Start() {
        // do something before start
        this.rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); // gets the instantiated component, slow operation - do in start

        // find offset between this and camera
        this.offsetX = this.transform.position.x - Camera.main.transform.position.x;
        this.offsetY = this.transform.position.y - Camera.main.transform.position.y;

    // do before every visualisation
    void Update() {
        // read input and direct changes to animation, time is not fixed
        var position = this.transform.position; // need to use local var
        position.x += speed; // change it
        this.transform.position = position; // and then set the transform

        // move camera with this
        var goPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;
        goPosition.x = this.transform.position.x + this.offsetX;
        goPosition.y = this.transform.position.y + this.offsetY;
        Camera.main.transform.position = goPosition;

        // If we do not know game object at first time, find it here
        var go = GameObject.FindWithTag("myTag"); // gets first
        var gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTags("myTag"); // gets all

    void FixedUpdate() {
        // apply physics here, makes calculations between 0.02 sec fixed
        this.rb.AddForce(new Vector2(10, 15)); // change component

        Debug.Log(this.transform.position.x - this.gameObj.transform.position.x); // use other game object
  • can use different types - bool, int, lists, enumerations
  • can use custom class with [Serializable] attribute (shows public fields)
  • for private fields use [SerializeField] attribute

Code executions for different platforms

    Debug.Log("Unity editor")
    Debug.Log("Unity iPhone")
    Debug.Log("Unity android")
    Debug.Log("Other platform")

05. Read Input

  • Buttons
  • Input Axes (Horisintal, Vertical)
  • Mouse movements
  • Axelerometer, Gyroscope
  • Keyboard
  • use InputManager to setup inputs in editor
// this is not good, because not cross-platform

// use generic buttons - set them in editor
    this.transform.position.Translate(new Vector2(0, 1));

06. Events

  • Start
  • Awake
  • OnGUI
  • OnMouseOver, OnMouseDown

07. Time Management

  • If we multiply by Time.DeltaTime we can scale vectors
  • this makes movement smooth

08. Destroy and Create game objects

  • use prefabs (created in project)
  • create empty game object with script used to instantiate new objects
public GameObject enemy; // add game object in editor

public void Start()
    var position = enemy.transform.position;
    position.x = 2.5f;
    position.y = 4.8f;
    enemy.transform.position = position;

    var go = Instantiate(enemy);

public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
    Destroy(Other.gameObject, 1); // destroy after time seconds

public void Update()

09. Coroutines

  • add for cycle that each iteration is done every frame
private spriteRend;

public void Start()
    this.spriteRend = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

private IEnumerator Fade() 
    for(float i = 1; i > 0; i -= 0.01f )
        var color = this.spriteRend.color;
        color.a -= i;
        this.spriteRend.color = color;
        yield return null; // executed every frame
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); // executed after fixed time

10. Other finctions

  • Invoke("LoadLevel", 3f); - start method after certain time
  • Application.LoadLevel("WinScene"); - load another scene
  • Application.Quit(); - quit the Game
  • Time.timeScale = 0 - this will pause the game, set it to 1 to resume

Player Preferences - use to save and load


PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HiScore", this.score);

PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("name", value);

11. Better save and load - Read article here

12. Best practices in Unity - Read this article

13. Unity documentation - Locaded here