
Primary LanguageJavaScript

eShop Project - SAE Institute Athens

This is a project developed in the framework of my studies in SAE. It is a monorepo eShop that provides the basic functionality of an eCommerce app.

User Functionality

1. Non-Registered User:

A non-registered user has the following functionality:

  • Place New Order

2. Registered User:

A register user has the additional functionality of:

  • Add Products to Wishlist
  • Review Products
  • Get Better Discounts

3. Administrator:

Administrator has the following functionality:

  • Add New Products
  • Edit Current Products
  • Remove Products
  • Edit Users
  • Remove Users
  • Edit Reviews
  • Accept Orders
  • Edit Orders

Development Status:

The following concepts have been developed so far:

  • GitHub Repo
  • Server up and running (Heroku Deployment)
  • MongoDB is connected for getting, adding, editing and deleting products
  • Basic views can be rendered for:
    • Product Categories
    • Products per Category
    • Single Product
  • Admin views can be rendered for:
    • Get all products
    • Add or Edit products


The following concepts are to be implemented next:

  • Enhance basic layout, design and page structure
  • Use MongoDB's _id instead of product id
  • Validations on routing
  • User Login and Register
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Add Checkout
  • Add User Orders Menu
  • Add Admin Panel
  • Responsive Design
  • Add Stripe's Web Hooks
  • Add admin sorting (by price, discount, stock)

Development Diary:

May 28, 2022

  • Initial Commit

May 29, 2022

  • Add MongoDB and populate it
  • Add dummy products from api
  • Add admin page
  • Add product and categories pages
  • Add MongoDB and populate it

May 30, 2022

  • add readme.md - 1st Milestone
  • fix titles and add sorting on DB
  • add edit remove data

Jul 23, 2022

Jul 24, 2022

  • pretify admin all products

Jul 25, 2022

  • Update readme.md
  • start shopping cart

Jul 26, 2022

  • fix session and destroy
  • fix google books links
  • change favicon
  • prettify main pages

Jul 28, 2022

  • add sales page

Jul 29, 2022

  • start cart

Jul 31, 2022

  • fix empty cart and session touch
  • add cart

Aug 10, 2022

  • add user profile
  • add wishlist

Aug 23, 2022

  • work on user profile

Aug 24, 2022

  • finish credit cards

Sep 4, 2022

  • fix cart quantiny and stock
  • add user wishlist

Sep 6, 2022

  • Update readme.md
  • fix cart

Sep 14, 2022

  • Add pagination

Sep 16, 2022

  • Add cart shipping info
  • Add emailer
  • Add all users and orders in admin panel
  • Add admin modify product

Sep 16, 2022

  • add search bar functionality
  • add related products

## Links:

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/zachfotis/eShop_SAE

Deployed Website: http://eshop-sae.fzachopoulos.com/