
Visual in-browser simulation of digital organisms based on Cellular Automata evolving in a customizable environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Evolving Cellular Automata

Visual in-browswer simulation of digital organisms based on Cellular Automata evolving in varied environments.

To Run

Clone this repo, then simply open the index.html file in your browser. Depending on how the settings are set, you may need to run it several times before you get a population that makes it beyond the first couple thousand ticks.


The simulation is run on a rectangular grid of squares on which organisms move and interact with their environment. There are only a few defined actions which organisms can take (reproduction, movement, etc.) and, like Cellular Automata, each organism has a set of rules that dictate in which situations it will execute certain actions. It is these rules, or 'genes' which are subject to mutation when organisms reproduce.

Organims die when they spend long enough without food. Food is a resource that enters the world periodically, and may be distributed according to some function. (Perhaps spawning in particular areas of the World, or completely randomly, or increasing and decreasing in some kind of day/night cycle.) Thus competition over food causes selective pressure to evolve. As organisms die, they become obstacles on the board, thus changing the terrain of the world by living and dying.


This and the following sections aim to give you a rough picture of how the program works, so that you could look at any given file and have context for what it does.

The intent of the design is to provide a basic model for the simulation of evolution Cellular Automata, but to leave room for a user to customize the details of how their specific simulation world works. For example, there is a function to generate mutated genes. This could be implemented in any number of ways, with varying consequences for the simulation. I will my implementation as illustrative examples.

Model Overview

The World is the top-level object, which contains the grid of Squares, which can in turn contain Cells or Obstacles. Cells possess Genes. All Genes have Behaviors they can execute under certain circumstances, thereby allowing Cells to interact with the World. Those 'certain circumstances' are determined by the Gene's Matchers, which check if certain things are true about a Cell's environment.

The design of the model restricts knowledge about the position of objects to the top level World layer. (It's the only one that has the grid of Squares) So none of the component objects know anything about their own positions. This decision, while it means I have to pass the World object to any function that wants to modify a position, allows me to have a single point of truth for position. It also allows component objects to exist independent of their position.

World and Main Loop

The World has the grid of Squares (in a 2d array) and an int tickNum field to track what tick we're on. The World measures time in ticks, where each tick is a discrete simulation step. The World has a tick() function, and a draw() function, which together form the main update/render flow of the program. The main loop in index.html calls these two functions every frame.


This is one of the more complex parts of the application. I will explain with an example of a gene. Lets say we have a gene, named RunAway.

This gene's data is set up to make its cell Move in the Down direction when the following criteria are met:

  • The Square in the Up direction contains a Cell
  • The Square in the Right direction contains Anything (which includes being Empty)
  • The Square in the Down direction is Empty
  • The Square in the Left direction contains Anything

These three parts: the Action to take, the Direction to take it in, and the criteria under which to perform it, are the three parts of the gene. Here they are formalized:

  • direction: An integer [0-3], which corresponds to one of the directions [Up=0, Right=1, Down=2, Left=3]. Describes which adjacent Square will be the target of the Action.
  • action: One of several pre-defined functions, which the designer has defined -- see Actions.js. (At the time of this writing, they are Reproduce, Move, Transfer, Dig, Eat) Actions are functions which have the signature: (cellPosn, targetPosn, world) -> Side Effect of The Action, done by the cell, on the target
  • matchers: A set of 4 Matchers which are used to check the 4 adjacent Squares for certain criteria. A Matcher is just a function with the signature: (posn, world, asker) -> Boolean. They say if a particular thing is true of the given posn in the given world if the asker cell is asking. In our example, the first Matcher we had in our set of four returned true if the Square at the given posn contained a Cell. Similar to Actions, a set of Matchers are defined by the designer -- see EnvMatchers.js.

Together the Action and Direction form a Behavior. (I wrapped those two up in this Behavior type to make things a bit more modular.)

So our example gene would look like this:

  name: "RunAway",
  behavior: {
             direction: 2, //recall 2 refers to Down
             action: Move
  matchers: [Cell, Any, Empty, Any]

So what I said about the gene's Behavior is true, but it actually will perform its Behavior in more than just that case. For example it will also perform its Behavior under the following circumstances:

  • The Square in the Up direction contains Anything
  • The Square in the Right direction a Cell
  • The Square in the Down direction contains Anything
  • The Square in the Left direction is Empty

See the difference? It's the same set of Matchers as before, just rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Any rotation of a set of Matchers like this is called an Isomorphism. And the rule for when a gene executes its Behavior is: when its Matchers OR ANY ISOMORPHISM of its Matchers matches the adjacent squares. In the case that an Isomorphism matched, the Direction of the Behavior will be rotated accordingly. So in our example here, we would actually Move Left if this Isomorphism was what matched.


Normally when a Cell reproduces, its child has the exact same Genes as it. However, mutation has a chance to occur each reproduction. (Determined by the setting MUTATION_CHANCE) When it does occur, the mutant genome is generated using the genMutantGenes() function, which can be implemented however you like. In my case I replace a random number of the parents genes with new randomly generated genes to get the mutatnt child's genes.

Currently, a Cell's genetic makeup has a visual indicator -- the Cell's color. This is a crude indicator, not an exact one, and serves to give just a general sense of the genes of a certain cell. I assign a color to each of the possible Actions, for example, Eat may be assigned the color red, Move, the color blue, etc. A Cell's color is produced by mixing the colors of the Actions of its genes.

Cell Behavior

A Few Convenience Data Definitions

  • A Direction is a natural number [0-3] which represents one of the 4 directions. [0=up, 1=right, 2=down, 3=left]
  • A Position is a {x:int, y:int} representing a coordinate on a grid of squares.
  • An Environment is the set of 4 Squares immediately adjacent to any given Cell. [UpSquare, RightSquare, DownSquare, LeftSquare]


A Square is a {food:int, content:[Cell,Obstacle]}. Every square can have any positive amount of food on it, and its content can be null/undefined or can be a Cell or Obstacle.


An Obstacle has no special functionality. It just exists to be of type Obstacle, so that other code can react to it being an Obstacle.


A Cell has a list of Genes, an amount of food (int) it has, and then a bunch of bookkeeping data like its age, decay (how many ticks it's spent with food<0), color, and maxFood. (The maximum amount of food the cell can hold.)


If you would like to play around with your own settings, I have set up several files in the customization folder as a central place to change many of the settings you might be interested in experimenting with.