QR Code Component

Hello there! Welcome to my solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Table of contents



Screenshot of QR Code Component


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Tailwind - CSS framework
  • Figma - Referenced designs
  • Vercel - Deployment

What I learned

This was my first time coding based on a provided Figma file. I closely referenced both the style-guide.md and the Figma file to develop my solution.

Also, I deployed with Vercel for the first time (I've previously used GitHub pages, Heroku, Netlify). I intentionally chose Vercel because I wanted to try something new and expand my familiarity with deployment solutions. I ran into a 404: NOT FOUND error, but then after a bit of troubleshooting realized I had to restructure my folders so that the root directory was set to src, which contained both the index.html and images.

I styled with Tailwind CSS, and made use of the arbitrary value functionality in order to be able to properly replicate the Figma sizing.

      class="flex flex-col items-center h-[497px] rounded-[20px] bg-white drop-shadow">

Continued development

I'd like to continue working on solutions that derive from Figma designs so I can become even more comfortable with adapting from this design software. Especially when it comes to setting accurate values for margin/padding.

Useful resources
