
A plugin to run Lighthouse on Pagespeed Insights against a set of urls to see which site is the fastest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A plugin to run Lighthouse (on PageSpeed Insights) against a set of urls to see which site is the fastest.


npm install performance-leaderboard-pagespeed-insights


  • This plugin only runs one test against the PageSpeed Insights API per URL. In contrast, performance-leaderboard offers a configurable number of runs per URL and selects the median.


  1. Create a test file, say sample.js:
const PerfLeaderboard = require("performance-leaderboard-pagespeed-insights");

(async function() {

	let urls = [

	// Create the options object (not required)
	const options = {
		axePuppeteerTimeout: 30000, // 30 seconds
		writeLogs: true, // Store audit data
		logDirectory: '.log', // Default audit data files stored at `.log`
		readFromLogDirectory: false, // Skip tests with existing logs

	console.log( await PerfLeaderboard(urls) );
  1. Run node sample.js.
Sample Output
		url: 'https://www.11ty.dev/',
		requestedUrl: 'https://www.11ty.dev/',
		timestamp: 1623525988492,
		ranks: { hundos: 1, performance: 1, accessibility: 1, cumulative: 1 },
		lighthouse: {
			version: '8.0.0',
			performance: 1,
			accessibility: 1,
			bestPractices: 1,
			seo: 1,
			total: 400
		firstContentfulPaint: 1152.3029999999999,
		firstMeaningfulPaint: 1152.3029999999999,
		speedIndex: 1152.3029999999999,
		largestContentfulPaint: 1152.3029999999999,
		totalBlockingTime: 36,
		cumulativeLayoutShift: 0.02153049045138889,
		timeToInteractive: 1238.3029999999999,
		maxPotentialFirstInputDelay: 97,
		timeToFirstByte: 54.63900000000001,
		weight: {
			summary: '14 requests • 178 KiB',
			total: 182145,
			image: 124327,
			imageCount: 10,
			script: 7824,
			scriptCount: 1,
			document: 30431,
			font: 15649,
			fontCount: 1,
			stylesheet: 3914,
			stylesheetCount: 1,
			thirdParty: 15649,
			thirdPartyCount: 1
		run: { number: 2, total: 3 },
		axe: { passes: 850, violations: 0 },


In the return object you’ll see a ranks object listing how this site compares to the other sites in the set. There are a bunch of different scoring algorithms you can choose from:

  • ranks.performance
    • The highest Lighthouse performance score.
    • Tiebreaker given to the lower SpeedIndex score.
  • ranks.accessibility
    • The highest Lighthouse accessibility score.
    • Tiebreaker given to lower Axe violations.
    • Second tiebreaker given to highest Axe passes (warning: each instance of an Axe rule passing is treated separately so this will weigh heavily in favor of larger pages)
  • ranks.hundos
    • The sum of all four Lighthouse scores.
    • Tiebreaker given to the lower Speed Index / Total Page Weight ratio.
  • ranks.cumulative (the same as hundos but with an Axe tiebreaker)
    • The sum of all four Lighthouse scores.
    • Tiebreaker given to the lower Axe violations.
    • Second tiebreaker given to the lower Speed Index / Total Page Weight ratio.


  • v9.6.6 Initial release.