
Primary LanguageTypeScript

  • DONE: support more than 1 mesh
  • DONE: support interleaved attributes
  • DONE: target a node's transform and change it without rebuilding renderers.
  • DONE: skinning
  • TODO: support more than 1 primitive per mesh
  • TODO: pbrMetallicRoughness support
  • TODO: support more than 1 buffer.
  • TODO: support for non-index geo
  • TODO: support more than 1 root node
  • TODO: support more than 1 texture per material.

Lights Materials

PBR Pipeline: (Metallic-Roughness Material)


  • baseColor
  • metallicFactor
  • roughnessFactor

Factor or Texture support

Spec compliant:

  • When factors are specified, use as linear multiplier.
  • baseColorTexture uses sRGB transfer function and must be converted to linear space before being used for computation.
  • If a primitive specifies aa vertex color using COLOR_0, this value acts an additional linear multiplier to baseColor
  • alpha coverage

Known PBR Issues

  • Fresnel
  • Normal map, tangent space?
  • Linear vs sRGB

Normal TODO:

  • the avocado model had bad normals - i needed to recalculated them
  • Before computing the TBN matrix, the normal needed to brought into world space.

Boat Diorama:

  • water, waves, reflections
  • point lights

Boat Scene Todo:

  • ship lights
  • ripples
  • skybox


  • buoy and buoy shadow
  • Boat height respects wave
  • Boat roll and pitch respects wave normal
  • Gerstner waves