
Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Demo

This makes use of Vagrant and the Scotchbox.io LAMP environment.

Running the Demo

  • Install Vagrant
  • From the project root, run vagrant up
  • Initialize the database:
    • Start an SSH session to the Vagrant box: vagrant ssh
    • Then, navigate to the project directory: cd /var/www
    • Run the database initialization script: mysql -u root -p scotchbox < scripts/init-db.sql (MySQL password is root)
  • Ensure that Composer is available (I did this locally, but you could do it on the Vagrant box) and install Composer dependencies: composer install. Depending on how Composer is installed on your machine, you may need to run php composer.phar install.
  • The site should be available running at

Running the test suite

  • From the root of the project directory, run php vendor/bin/phpunit tests


The app uses the Slim framework to implement a simple MVC webapp with 3 pages (4 total routes):

  • The homepage displays a message and some links to the other parts of the site.
  • The voting page requires two routes: one to handle GET requests (the voting form), and one POST route for form submission.
  • The results page displays the aggregate polling results.

These routes and some basic bootstrapping can be found in public/index.php.

Each route is handled by a separate controller class (in the Demo\Controller namespace). The voting and results page controllers make use of a domain service class supporting the following API:

  • Fetching the candidate list. The list is hard-coded here, but the app could be expanded to have database-driven. candidate lists without changing the API of the domain service.
  • Casting a vote. Given a user name and a candidate name, a vote is recorded in the voters table.
  • Computing aggregate totals.

Architecturally, the app makes heavy use of dependency injection. Classes do not take on the responsibility for creating the objects they need its job; instead, the dependency injection container (defined in bootstrap/services.php) declares how the various objects in the system are created, usually in reference to other things in the container.

For example, the GetVoteController is responsible for fulfilling requests for the voting form. Its constructor takes a Twig object to handle view templating and a VoteService object to retrieve the candidate list. Instead of creating these objects directly, when Slim needs a GetVoteController, the container creates one for it, by getting its dependencies, by getting a Twig and VoteService objects from the container and instantiating the controller. The logic for creating these objects is kept in one place and in unit testing, we know that all of an object's dependencies come in through the constructor, so they can be easily mocked.