
This project's goal is to collect and analyze data from Israel's latest election campaigns. Data includes a raw votes count for every ballot (~10K) and enriched with a geo location for the ballot's address. The raw (enriched) voting data will be available as Parquet files in this repo (Parquet is easily loadable by Pandas and maintains Python structures (dicts) as values).

Data was obtained from the Israeli Central Elections Committee for every campaign I could find data files for. Required data files contain the exported data for the vote counts in each ballot, and a metadata file with the ballots' addresses. Both are required for the analysis and come in different formats and encodings. The preprocessing pipeline deals with the different formats, enriches the data to add the geo-location and generates the final data files.

Data is currently processed for campaigns of the 18th-25th Knessets (roughly 2009-2022).

Project structure and general information

  • data: Contains the raw data files. Both the raw files from the elections committee, some GIS files and some test files.
  • docs: Documentation files, mostly linked form here.
  • il_elections: Main codebase. Contains the preprocessing pipeline and helpful utilities.
  • notebooks: Useful notebooks and usage examples.
  • outputs: Contains the latest preprocessing output files. Outputs are broken by campaigns and each campaign has a data file and a metadata file. See more on data format here.

Python versions notice

The main project runs with Python 3.9. Notice that the external Colab currently uses Python 3.7 so while reading the output files as dataframes works, importing some code from the project iteself might not work properly. If you require deeper usage of the code and utilities, it's advised to use Colab in a locally-hosted mode, or use Jupyter notebook locally with the same venv.

Data Spec

Raw input data

Elections Committee

Raw input files contain two files. These come in various formats but serve (basically) the same purpose. One is a file with a table of rows per ballots and columns that contain some aggregated data about that ballot (number of voters, how many actually voted?, how many were disqualified?, etc...) and a column per party with the raw count. The other file is a metadata file on the ballots, and contains the locality name (which could be a city or a small village), the location name (e.g. "XYZ school", or "XYZ mall") and the ballot's address (which is some times useless, like in cases of a very small village with basically no street names).

Files from the election committee can be found in the following official pages (links are for the 25th knesset campaign):

GIS files

Geo-spatial analysis required polygons of Israel itself, together with polygons for cities where applicable. I used geoBoundaries data which saved me tons of times!

Manual manipulation: Notice that due to Israel's complicated political situation, some of the territories where ballots were stationed might or might not be considered by you as an Israeli teritorry. For this project's sake, all ballots have to be covered by the polygon representing Israel, so I manually manipulated both ISR and PSE files and created a polygon which consists of Israel's non-conflicted area, the West Bank and the Golan heights, but without Gaza. I also had to manually remove Israel's two large water bodies (the Kinneret and the Dead Sea).

Processed data

The preprocessing pipeline reads data for all configured campaigns, parses it and extracts the relevant information. It then uses Google Geocode API to match every ballot's location with a geolocation on a map.

Also, since parties change from one campaign to another, the voting data is stored as a Python dictionary to ensure flexibility. Analyzing the data, and expanding back to columns (if makes sense) should be done by the user.

The pipeline also stores a metadata file for every campaign which is a YAML file with a few fields.

Parties names transcription

Hebrew party names are transcribed into english letters with the following conversion table:

א = a ב = b ג = g ד = d ה = h ו = v
ז = z ח = H ט = t י = i כ = k ך = k.
ל = l מ = m ם = m. נ = n ן = n. ס = s
ע = A פ = p ף = p. צ = Z ץ = Z. ק = K
ר = r ש = S ת = T

Processed files examples


ballot_id locality_id locality_name num_registered_voters num_voted num_disqualified num_approved parties_votes location_name address lat lng
9400-3.1 3.1 9400 יהודמונוסון 589 404 0 404 {'kn.': 51, 'mHl': 114, 'ph': 73} בי"ס תיכון מקיף יהוד כהן רם 32.0393 34.8931
4000-153.0 153 4000 חיפה 485 234 4 230 {'kn.': 12, 'mHl': 103, 'ph': 20} בי"ס נירים יהושפט המלך,6 32.8075 34.9614
6600-114.2 114.2 6600 חולון 645 327 3 324 {'kn.': 10, 'mHl': 119, 'ph': 36} תיכון טומשין קדושי קהיר,14 32.0189 34.7628
1063-14.2 14.2 1063 מעלותתרשיחא 376 192 3 189 {'kn.': 2, 'mHl': 61, 'ph': 31} גן ורד מרווה,1 33.0206 35.2879
3000-203.0 203 3000 ירושלים 596 252 1 251 {'kn.': 5, 'mHl': 86, 'ph': 16} גן בר אילן שיריזלי,6 31.7828 35.2138

Notice: For brevity purposes, parties_votes was trimmed to contain only 3 parties.


date: 2021-03-23
name: knesset-24

Loading as geopandas.GeoDataFrame

The raw data is stored as plain dataframes for greater flexibility but in case you wish to work with the data as a GeoDataFrame, the following utility loads both files, converts and aggregates the datafiles:

The CRS is EPSG:32636 (UTM, zone 36).

from il_elections.utils import data_utils
preprocessed_data_folder = pathlib.Path('outputs/preprocessing')
gdf = data_utils.load_preprocessed_campaign_data(preprocessed_data_folder, '24')

It returns a PreprocessedCampaignData dataclass with the following attributes:

  • raw_votes: Contains the raw votes table with a Point geometry from the lat/lng fields.
  • per_location: Contains an aggregation of ballots based on the geo-location (very common to have many ballots in the same school for example). All fields will have the reasonable aggregation (sum if possible, or a list with all values. parties_votes are summed per key):
lng lat num_ballots ballot_id locality_id locality_name location_name address num_registered_voters num_voted num_disqualified num_approved parties_votes geometry
1591 34.9026 31.9583 2 ['5.0', '8.0'] 7000 לוד ['בי"ס אל-ראשדיה'] ['הגיא,1'] 1119 462 10 452 {'kn.': 1, 'mHl': 20, 'ph': 5} POINT (679804.362800942 3537392.891052161)
24 34.4206 30.8864 1 ['1.0'] 1195 ניצנה קהילת חינוך ['מועדון'] ['מרכז קליטה'] 229 63 1 62 {'kn.': 9, 'mHl': 8, 'ph': 8} POINT (635785.713139746 3417877.263769928)
319 34.7211 31.0452 2 ['1.1', '1.2'] 354 רביבים ['מועדון', 'ספריה'] ['רביבים'] 712 439 2 437 {'kn.': 54, 'mHl': 25, 'ph': 87} POINT (664239.4082131258 3435883.075058983)
1512 34.892 32.0759 3 ['212.0', '68.0', '70.0'] 7900 פתח תקווה ['ביה"ס אור חיה'] ['שפרינצק,17'] 1753 992 10 982 {'kn.': 49, 'mHl': 360, 'ph': 144} POINT (678579.1761500214 3550411.44936822)
2590 35.1052 32.6543 3 ['11.0', '6.0', '8.0'] 240 יקנעם עילית ['בי"ס אורט-ליד אשכול פיס'] ['שד יצחק רבין,4'] 1765 841 6 835 {'kn.': 66, 'mHl': 347, 'ph': 70} POINT (697438.8435160784 3614921.163022358)

Notice: For brevity purposes, parties_votes was trimmed to contain only 3 parties. In this dataframe, every location will appear only once.

  • metadata: A CampaignMetadata object (same fields as in the metadata file).