
Employee time management system focussed around the concept of "clocking-in" and "clocking-out".

Primary LanguageRust

Clock In/Clock Out


An application targetted at business owners, team leads, project mangers and corporations that operate via a ticketing systems, like Jira, and need to keep track of their employee's tasks throughout the day. This tool is useful for centralising time tracking on tickets and gaining statistics on employees like utilisation and averages in certain categories of work.

Setting Up

Environment Variables

This project uses docker-compose for development and deployment. Before starting the containers, you'll need some environment variables to make them work.

In the root directory, create a file named docker.env containing the following values:

POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password                  // Change this to desired password
POSTGRES_USER=user                          // Change this to desired username
POSTGRES_DB=cico                            // LEAVE THIS
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=admin@example.com     // Change this to desired email (can be fake)
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=pgadminpassword    // Change to desired password

In the backend directory, create a file named .env containing the following values:


Make sure that userand password are the same as the POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD defined in docker.env. The rest of DATABASE_URL should be left the same.

Rust Tools

Firstly, install Rust, rust-up and cargo with:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh export PATH=PATH:~/.cargo/bin

Make sure you selected nightly rust with modify PATH vairable: yes:

    default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    default toolchain: nightly
    profile: default
    modify PATH variable: yes



The development environment can be run with:

docker-compose up -d (you may need to use sudo)

Changes in both the frontend and backend folders will hot-reload, so you don't need to restart the containers every change.

Database Migrations

You will need to apply database migrations through diesel-cli. This is an ORM tool written in Rust and used to handle the database connections and queries in the Rust API (backend). Install diesel with:

cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres

To apply migrations to the postgres-dev container, cd backend and run the following command:

diesel --database-url postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/cico migration run

Revert the last migration with:

diesel --database-url postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/cico migration revert

And create a new migration with:

diesel migration generate migration_name


The site is currently deployed at http://clockinout.net, running on a Linode server. To run the "production" build of the app, use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d --build

This is not necessary for normal development.


Installing Rust -> https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install Get Started w/ Diesel -> http://diesel.rs/guides/getting-started/