
A python script for analysing the performance of prodigal and hmmer3 when used to detect Cas genes in a given genome/s.

Primary LanguagePython

Cas Gene Detection Performance Profiling

Quick Start

Ensure git lfs (large file storage) has been installed in the repo (see here).

Run download_genomes.R in RStudio to download a set of genomes. Tweak the max_genomes variable to alter the number of genomes downloaded.

To install the project's dependancy programs (hmmer, prodigal, etc.), run:

sudo ./install_deps.sh

Ensure execute_prodigal = True in main.py before running the script for the first time.

Then, run a benchmark with:

python main.py


This python script carries out the following pipeline for detecting Cas (CRISPR-associated) genes in a given genome:

  1. Use prodigal to create a list of all the proteins in genome

    prodigal -i genome.fna -a proteins.faa
  2. Run hmmsearch with the created Cas gene profiles, and the list of proteins

    hmmsearch --tblout summary.txt profiles/database.hmm proteins.faa
    • The --tblout option exports a short summary to the provided filename
  3. For each match in the summary file, search the master list of cas genes (crispr_groundtruth.txt) for the same domain e.g. x .. y. Verify the match by checking if it's the correct type of cas gene (same as type used to generate hmm profile).

  4. Collect statistics on how many matches were correctly identified (precision and recall).

Genome Downloading

download_genomes.R downloads a set of genomes in .fasta format from the the NCBI API. All of these genomes are guaranteed to contain some type of Cas gene, as they are pulled straight out of the annotated Cas gene genome file crispr_groundtruth.txt.

Doing this allows us to test the script exclusively against genomes that we know should contain Cas genes, and so no time is wasted testing the detection flow against genomes that don't contain any Cas genes.