
Simulate gravitational force on particles. The results will be a stellar surprise.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

This particle simulator simulates gradational force each particle has on another. The results will be a stellar surprise. There are 3 different versions of this program. A serial version and two parallel versions sporting Open MPI and OpenMP support respectively are included. 
Requirements: ffmpeg and gcc 4.4.6 or later
There is a makefile setup to easily demonstrate this program, but a few variables must be setup correctly. 

In the test directory, there is a script for omp, mpi, and a script for serial processing. Each script has two variables that need to be set along with other options such as threads and color/grayscale. Edit your path and home directory in the respective script to make sure it runs without a hitch. Once done type: 

make			compiles all programs
make simulation		for serial processing
make simulation-omp	for openMP processing
make simulation-mpi	for Open MPI processing

The programs may also be run independently of the scripts if you want more control. 

The OpenMP and MPI version have the following usage. 

particleSimulator-omp input [file] dt [0 < x < 1] numSteps [1|2|...] output [file] threads [1|2|...] time [0|1] 
particleSimulator-mpi input [file] dt [0 < x < 1] numSteps [1|2|...] output [file] threads [1|2|...] time [0|1]

The serial version has the following usage. 

particleSimulator-serial input [file] dt [0 < x < 1] numSteps [1|2|...] output [file] time [0|1]

If you want to time the processing, just put a one for time, and if not, just put a 0. 
The input file must be in the following format: 
[X Position] [Y Position] [X Velocity] [Y Velocity] [Particle Mass] 
0.533480 0.309789 -0.021902 0.787174 1.719489
Both Position and Velocity must be between -1 and 1 and the mass can be anything above 0, preferably a low number below 10. The gravitional constant is not tuned for large numbers. The output generated will look exactly like the input. 

There are three helper programs included in this release. 
ParticleToPgm: which converts the particles into a grayscale PGM image to be used with ffmpeg or to create a jpg image. 
particleToPgm input [file] xmin -1 xmax 1 ymin -1 ymax 1 xres 1280 yres 720 output [file]
ParticleToPpm: which converts the particles into a color PPM image to be used with ffmpeg or to create a jpg image. 
particleToPpm input [file] xmin -1 xmax 1 ymin -1 ymax 1 xres 1280 yres 720 output [file]
ParticleMaker: which creates a certain number of Particles and prints in "particle.01.data"
particlemaker [# of particles]

Included in this release is a special version of the openMP program that instead of accepting a double as an argument for dt, it accepts a file. This file follows this format:
0 .01 
50 .001 
100 .0005 
150 .001 
The first number of the line is an int of the timestep you want the dt to change. The second number is the dt you want to be set for that timestep and beyond. 
This version has the following usage:
particleSimulator-omp input [file] dt [file] numSteps [1|2|...] output [file] threads [1|2|...] time [0|1]

The makfile is setup to work with the simulation as well. First you must change the variables, as above. The script also uses the dt file in "dt.txt", so make sure you make that file with the dt adjustments. Once finished type:
make simulation-special