
An implementation of configuration files for the Chrome 'MenuButton' plugin ( http://menubutton.ru/ ).


An implementation of XML configuration files for the Chrome 'MenuButton' plugin.

  1. Get MenuButton from the Chrome Web Store at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/goblmaagcgfbjlaahdohiomenekdpnci
  2. Download the zip file for this set of images and xml configuration files to your local machine.
  3. Extract the zip file to a convenient location.
  4. In Chrome, go to the options page for MenuButton.
  5. Set the 'Header File' to point at the 'main.xml' file (the one in the directory with all of the image files, not the one in the language-specific directory that conatins only xml files).

Credits: MenuButton http://menubutton.ru/