
A Tumblr theme.

Primary LanguageCSS

Mine / Not Mine

Mine / Not Mine is the Tumblr theme for Gathered By The Way, gatherings from the daily life of the Travelling Designer, Anthony Cappetta. It was made by Zach Snow.

Note If you just want to use the theme as-is, simply download the main theme. For instructions on how to install these files, see Installation, below.


To build the theme manually -- for instance, if you'd like to tweak it -- you'll need to install the following dependencies:

Assuming you are running OS X and have Homebrew and Pip installed, you should be able to simply run the following:

$ brew install sass
$ pip install jinja2

Assuming you don't you'll have to sort it out yourself.


To build the theme first make sure you've installed all of the Dependencies. Then, run the following command from the root of this repository.

$ python build.py

This will generate output/index.html.


Once you have index.html in hand, you just need to install them on Tumblr. Login to Tumblr and go to Settings. Select the blog you'd like to edit from the left column, then click Customize.

First you need to setup your main theme. Click Edit HTML and overwrite the existing HTML with the contents of index.html, then Update Preview to see how it looks. Assuming you are happy with the result, Save it.


Now that the theme is installed, you need to configure it. The colors are pretty obvious, but here's some information about the rest.


Add a logo. It should be some number of pixels wide that I don't know yet.


You can add up to 10 external navigation links to the header navigation by setting Navigation N and Navigation Link N for 1 to 10, where the former corresponds to the text of the link, and the latter the actual URL.


The Byline settings change how the footer looks. In the example at that's me the Byline Prefix is set to "Theme by", the Byline is set to "Zach Snow", and the Byline Link is set to "http://zachsnow.com/". If you want, you can use a mailto: link. And if you don't want a link at all, just don't set Byline Link. In fact, all of the Byline settings are optional.

Social Media

You can add links for a handful of different social media platforms; these are shown in the footer as well.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics integration is as per usual, just grab your account ID and set Google Analytics ID.


There are two customizable Typekit fonts, one for headers and one for all the rest of the text. To set these up, first create a new kit and grab the kit "identifier" (the basename of the embed code Javascript file) and set Typekit ID.

Next, pick your fonts, and set Typkit Header Font Family and Typekit Text Font Family to whichever font families you picked. Of course, you can add all kinds of other selectors to your kit too, if you want to get crazy.