Parinati is a tool for "compiling" LF specifications in the style of Twelf to lambdaProlog modules suitable for use with the Teyjus implementation of lambdaProlog. Parinati was written by Zach Snow.
Parinati is Free Software, released under the GPL version 3 for now; if you'd prefer another license just let me know.
Parinati lives here now:
O'Caml (
ocamake (see /ocamake/) Building ocamake:
# ocamlc unix.cma str.cma -o ocamake
Be sure to place the binary in your path (consider the /bin directory of your O'Caml installation).
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (for Windows only)
Building (Windows): Just build the included Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 project; alternatively run
(requires the relevant Visual Studio tools to be in your path, along with ocamake). -
Building (*nix): Execute the following:
Place the resulting executable (parinati) in your path as well.
parinati -i <LF specification> -t <original|simplified|optimized|extended>
--input input file
-i input file
--output output directory and module name
-o output directory and module name
--translation translation: original, simplified, optimized, extended
-t translation: original, simplified, optimized, extended
--opt enable default optimizations
--opt-index enable indexing order optimization
--opt-pts enable proof term erasure optimization
--opt-types enable type embedding optimization
--log enable logging information
--version show version information
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options
Running the translator on an LF specification produces a lambdaProlog module and signature that can be compiled, linked, and run on the Teyjus simulator.
The translator assumes that the input is a valid and fully explicit LF specification; in particular no checking is done to ensure type-correctness. Therefore it is possible that though translation succeeds, compilation using tjcc will fail; this should always be due to an ill-formed specification (if not it indicates a bug in parinati).
For examples specifications, see /examples/
(and /timing/
, which includes
some additional specifications, and some duplicates).
To run queries specified by %solve, (of the form %solve query_name t.
you should load the generated module in tjsim and run the query
query_name Proof A1 A2 ... An.
, where n is the number of free variables in
, and query_name
is the name of the query. Other forms of queryies
supported by Twelf (in particular %query
and the "top-level") are not supported,
however it is possible to use tjsim in an interactive mode if you understand
how LF types are translated to lambdaProlog terms.
Parinati supports only fully explicit and valid LF specifications written in Twelf. It does not support definitions or any annotations (%name, %infix, etc.)
If you have an LF specification written in implicit style, with perhaps several infix operators, you may wish to generate a specification that can be used with Parinati. To generate such a specification from a specification "spec.lf", first load up the Twelf SML image. Then set the following flags:
Twelf.Print.implicit := true;;
Twelf.Print.printInfix := false;;
Then load the file:
Twelf will print the specification in a form that Parinati will understand.
Given an LF specification "nat.lf" defining natural numbers and the property of a natural being even, and with a query for determining whether 4 is even:
nat : type.
z : nat.
s : nat -> nat.
even : nat -> type.
even-z : even z.
even-s : {N : nat} even N -> even (s (s N)).
%solve q : even (s (s (s (s z)))).
We can generate a lambdaProlog module as follows:
parinati --input nat.lf --translation extended
This generates two files, nat.mod and nat.sig. Compile and link them using Teyjus:
$ tjcc nat
$ tjlink nat
Then load it into the Teyjus simulator:
$ tjsim nat
To execute the %solve query you must execute a lambdaProlog query within tjsim:
-? q Proof.
A query of the form %solve name : type
generates a lambdaProlog predicate
taking one argument, which corresponds to the inhabitant of the type.
If the type contains N logic variables (for instance, even X
), then the
predicate takes N + 1 arguments -- N for the instantiable variables, and 1 for
the inhabitant.
Note that the modules generated by parinati are not pretty-printed. Use the Teyjus tool tjparse (available in the Teyjus SVN) to generate a more readable lambdaProlog module.