This project aims to recreate the classic board game of Stratego. Stratego is a game in which you need to capture the flag of your opponent while defending your own flag. To capture the flag you use your army of 40 pieces. Pieces have a rank and represent individual officers and soldiers in an army. In addition to those ranked pieces you can use bombs to protect your flag.
The general game rules are as follows.
- Flags and bombs can't be moved once the game begins.
- Moveable pieces may only vertically and horizontally.
- If attacker is equal to defender, both pieces become demoralized and desert the battlefield.
- First player to capture the opponents flag wins.
- Soldiers may not enter the water.
- Player loses if they run out of moveable pieces.
- A piece may not move back and forth between the same two squares in three consecutive moves.
For the complete list of rules in the official game please visit
- Capture the Opponents flag
- The deployed game can be found here
- Input player name on the top box.
- Press Create Game button.
- Copy the code that pops up and send it to your friend.
- Input player name in the bottom left box.
- Paste the code that was provided by the opponent.
- Press the Join Game button.
This sample allows us to determine how many pieces remain in the database for the player to utilize.
- captured (GY) pcs not selectable after game starts
- both players click ready button
+ ready player sees "waiting on other player to ready"
- host player clicks start game
- local data from both players sent to DB
- one square for all but Scout
- scout moves as many as it wants in a single straight line
- can't move to space occupied by your own
- if landing on square occupied by enemy initiate combat()
- no diagonal
- no lake
- highlight available movements ??
- show enemy tile
- results text ??
- If players place a piece at the same time, the server can erase one of the placements.
If you have any issues please contact:
- Brendan Hellar -
- Zach Weintraub -
- Dylan Crocker -
- Crystal Fecteau -
- Kyle Harrington -
- JavaScript
- Angular
- Firebase (Database)
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.5.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
This software is licensed under the MIT license
Copyright (c) 2019**{Brendan Hellar, Zach Weintraub, Dylan Crocker, Crystal Fecteau, Kyle Harrington}