Setting up an X1 Validator Node

Here are the steps for setting up your X1 TestNet validator. Thank you for sharing a step by step.

Initial Setup

Type the following commands on your Terminal with root access.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install python3 python3-pip git nano wget jq tmux moreutils wine htop sudo vim make -y
sudo pip install passlib requests tqdm argon2_cffi web3==6.11.1
sudo git clone --branch x1 && sudo wget && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz && export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin && source ~/.profile && source ~/.bashrc
cd && chmod -R 777 go-x1 && cd go-x1 && go mod tidy && make x1 && sudo cp build/x1 /usr/local/bin

Downloading Chaindata Snapshot

This will get a snapshot of the chaindat. It will help your node to get synced much faster.

wget --no-check-certificate
tar -xvf chaindata1715.pruned.tar -C /root/.x1/

Once the chaindata is extracted to the X1 folder, you can proceed to the next steps.

Read-Only Node

At this point, you can run a read-only node by typing in the following command.

x1 --testnet --syncmode snap --xenblocks-endpoint ws://

You can continue setting up your validator node once you have your XN tokens that will be staked.

Setting up X1 Validator

Staking XN

Generate a validator key

x1 validator new

Take note of the pubkey and do a backup.

cp -r ~/.x1/keystore ~/.

Go to At the createValidator section, put your pubkey and indicate the amount on XN tokens to stake. image Click on Write and confirm the transaction on Metamask. Once its done, go to At the getValidatorID section, put your address and click on Query to get your validator id. image

Start X1 Validator

Type the following commands on your Terminal with root access.

cd go-x1
make x1
sudo cp build/x1 /usr/local/bin

Run your validator by typing in the command below, indicating your validator id and pubkey

x1 --testnet 69 --validator.pubkey 0xc0046........e --xenblocks-endpoint ws:// --gcmode full --syncmode snap