
Dotfiles for i3 setup. Screenshots are running on Arch Linux.

Primary LanguageShell


Dotfiles for i3 setup. Screenshots are running on Arch Linux.


  • Distro: Arch Linux
  • WM: i3-gaps
  • Bar: Polybar
  • Terminal: Kitty
  • Shell: Oh-My-Zsh (Theme: Typewritten)
  • Terminal Color Scheme: Dracula
  • Wallpaper: Mountains-Fog

Applications and Packages

Desktop Applications:

  • Browser: Google Chrome (AUR: google-chrome)

  • Text Editor: Vim (vim)

  • Alt. Text Editor: Atom (atom)

  • Music: Spotify (AUR: spotify)

  • Terminal Emulator: Kitty (kitty)

  • Alt. Terminal Emulator: Urxvt (rxvt-unicode)

  • File Manager: pcmanfm (pcmanfm)

  • Terminal File Manager: Ranger (ranger)

  • General Purpose IDE: Visual Studio Code (AUR: visual-studio-code-bin)

  • Java IDE: Eclipse (eclipse-java)

  • Alt. Java IDE: IntelliJ Idea (intellij-idea-community-edition)

  • Python IDE: PyCharm Community Edition (pycharm-community-edition)

  • Media Player: VLC (vlc)

  • GTK IDE: Anjuta (anjuta)

  • Photo Editor: GIMP (gimp)

  • Image Viewer: feh (feh)


  • git

  • make

  • gcc

  • autoconf

  • xorg-xrandr

  • nitrogen

  • neofetch

  • AUR: tty-clock

  • asciiquarium

  • zsh

  • oh-my-zsh-git

Desktop Environment:

  • xorg-server
  • xorg-xinit
  • grub
  • grub-customizer
  • Display Manager: (lightdm)
  • Window Manager: (AUR: i3-gaps-rounded-git)
  • Bar: Polybar (AUR: polybar)
  • Compositor: (picom)

Themes and Styling:

  • Icon Theme: Papirus (papirus-icon-theme)
  • GTK Theme: Ant-Dracula (AUR: ant-dracula-gtk-theme)
  • Display Manager Greeter THeme: Webkit 2 (lightdm-webkit2-greeter)
  • ZSH Theme: Pure Theme


  • Fira Code: (ttf-fira-code)
  • Ubuntu Font: (ttf-ubuntu-font-family)
  • Nerd Font: (nerd-fonts-complete)
