
Turing School promotion portfolios

Primary LanguageHTML


In order to earn promotion to the next module or graduation you need to complete, submit, and defend your portfolio.

A submission summarizes your accomplishments in these key areas:

  • Individual
  • Team
  • Community

Authoring Process

  • Carefully read the submission_guidelines.markdown to understand how your portfolio should be written/submitted
  • Read a sample portfolio in sample.markdown in this repo
  • Copy the content of template.markdown as a starting point
  • Fill in and submit your own content.

Per-Module Expectations

Module 1 (Back-end)

  • Individual Assessment: Passing Score (All 3's) required
  • Individual Projects: All individual projects. A passing final project is required.
  • Group Projects: All paired projects
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • DTR Memo from 1 paired project
    • Resume with a summary statement and placeholder for projects and skills to be obtained during Turing
    • LinkedIn profile with a summary, descriptions under experience, and Turing under education
    • Copy for a personal website
  • Feedback/Community: Self-solicited and project pairs feedback, plus a summary of how you've contributed to the community

** To Repeat the Module **

A passing Chisel project completed during the final 2 weeks of the module OR Satisfactory progress on the Headcount / Black Thursday final project.

Module 1 (Front-end)

  • Individual Assessment: Passing Score (All 3's) required
  • Required Project: Final Project (Game Time) -- Passing Score (All 3's) required
  • Included Projects:
  • Linked List
  • Number Guesser
  • Idea Box
  • Feedback: Self-Solicited and from Feedback App
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • DTR Memo from 1 paired project
    • Resume with a summary statement and placeholder for projects and skills to be obtained during Turing
    • LinkedIn profile with a summary, descriptions under experience, and Turing under education
    • Copy for a personal website

Module 2 (Back-end)

  • Evaluation notes - You need to take notes during assessments/evaluations
  • Blog post (>=1)
  • Self-solicited continual peer feedback
  • If you're in a posse - please include:
    • a blurb about what you did with your posse over the module
    • your favorite thing about the posse experience
    • how has your posse experience helped you grow as a professional?
  • Non evaluated projects: Rails Mini Project, Mix Master
  • Include what you learned/took away from the project.
  • Evaluated projects: Rush Hour, Little Shop, Job Tracker
  • Assessments: Final
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • Company tracker with five companies of interest identified, including one point of contact for each company with contact information (email, blog, website, twitter, github)
    • Cold email at least one of those five companies from the company tracker
    • Two paragraph reflection on:
      1. Details on project management strategies you used in your projects (Rush Hour and/or Little Shop); What went well? What didn’t go well?
      2. How you incorporated feedback from your team members and what you learned about yourself in the process.

Module 2 (Front-end)

  • Individual Assessment: Passing Score (All 3's) required
  • Required Project: Final Project (Shoot The Breeze) -- Passing Score (All 3's) required
  • Included Projects:
  • A Very Lonely Chat Room
  • Tier One Project
  • Tier Two Project
  • Feedback: Self-Solicited and from Feedback App
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • Company tracker with five companies of interest identified, including one point of contact for each company with contact information (email, blog, website, twitter, github)
    • Cold email at least one of those five companies from the company tracker
    • Two paragraph reflection on:
      1. Details on project management strategies you used in your projects; What went well? What didn’t go well?
      2. How you incorporated feedback from your team members and what you learned about yourself in the process.

Module 3 (Back-end)

  • Individual Assessment
  • Included Projects: Self-Directed Project, Rales Engine, Cloney Island
  • Bonus Project (not required): APIcurious
  • Feedback: Self-Solicited and collected from Cloney Island
  • Something valuable you've taken away from your posse.
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • Turing alumni portfolio
    • Pitch for personal project/Documentation showing your thought process
    • Completed Flower Exercise
    • Job search strategy set with daily, weekly, monthly goals

Module 3 (Front-end)

  • Individual Assessment
  • Included Projects: Self-Directed Project, Remember (Number of Completed User Stories), Weather Forecast
  • Bonus Project (not required): None
  • Feedback: Self-Solicited and collected from Weather Forecast and Remember
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • Turing alumni portfolio
    • Pitch for personal project/Documentation showing your thought process
    • Completed Flower Exercise
    • Job search strategy set with daily, weekly, monthly goals

Module 4

  • Individual Assessment (thoughtbox)
  • Required Project: GameTime, ScaleUp
    • Should include points breakdown per project
  • Bonus Project (not required): IdeaBox
  • Feedback: Self-Solicited
  • Professional Skills:
    • A recap of reflections from Gear Up
    • Description of your top 3 priorities in the job search and why
    • Action plan for how to overcome perceived barriers to the job search
    • Completed blog post with peer review
    • At least three interviews

Submission Guidelines

A pull request with your submission must be made at least 12 hours before your scheduled defense. Non-conforming formats, filenames, or directories will be rejected and your defense rescheduled.


Your submitted portfolio should include self-assessment scores. Use the rubric to determine your proper scores.

Filename & Directory

The file should be saved in the format "date-name-completing.markdown" where:

  • date is the last day of the module in compressed year/month/day, like 20150831
  • name is your first and last name like jeff-casimir
  • completing is the module that you're completing, like m4

So a complete filename might look like 20150831-jeff-casimir-m4.markdown. This file needs to be stored in a directory portfolios/students/your-cohort/your-name where your-name is like jeff-casimir and your-cohort is your cohort number.

If you were completing Module 4 in Cohort 1410 on August 31, 2015 and your name was Jeff Casimir, your portfolio submission would reside at the following location: portfolios/students/1410/jeff-casimir/20150831-jeff-casimir-m4.markdown.

Evaluation Process

Your portfolio will be evaluated in the last week of the module by a panel of at least two instructors. During this short session:

  • You will start by showing the scores of your self assessment
  • You will walk through the rubric and the content of your portfolio to explain your scoring
  • The instructors will ask questions along the way and record notes
  • As you finish the explanation the instructors will validate or correct your self-assessment scores
  • The instructors will use those scores to render a promotion/graduation decision
  • Everything from the instructors will be committed back to your portfolio


Portfolio evaluations have four possible outcomes:

  • PROMOTED - your portfolio demonstrates a successful fulfillment of expectations and you may move on to the next module or graduate
  • RETAINED - your portfolio is lacking in one or more areas and you may either repeat the current module or leave the program
  • EXCUSED - your portfolio is lacking in one or more areas and either (a) you've now failed to pass the module in two attempts or (b) the reviewers have determined that you will not be successful at Turing
  • PENDING - your portfolio is incomplete or non-conforming and will be re-evaluated as soon as possible. If it is incomplete after 24 hours it will be moved to RETAINED or EXCUSED