
A collection of the slides and resources at Amazon's WebDevCon


A collection of the slides and resources at Amazon's WebDevCon

Talk Speaker Slides Other Resources
Web Fonts Performance Bram Stein @bram_stein slides blog
ILodash JD Dalton @jdalton slides Lodash repo
Responsive Color Clarissa Peterson @clarissa slides
Testing the Cascade Hans Sprecher @honzie slides
Usefulness of Uselessness Brad Bouse @bradbouse slides
Internet of Cats Rachel White @ohhoe slides RoboKitty repo
Building Distributed RESTful JSON APIs with Falcor Paul Taylor @trxcllnt WebDevCon Demo repo
Design for non Designers Tracy Osborn @limedaring slides
Simply Accessible Web Performance Estelle Weyl @estellevw slides
Observable web Ganesh Shanmugasundaram @hackerone [slides] (https://hackerone.github.io/observable-web)