
Free yourself from digital addiction

Primary LanguageHTML

Mission Control


  • Set a goal
    • Enter a description of the goal
    • Enter the date the goal began
  • Edit a goal (minimal number of clicks to edit, so inline editing)
  • Clear a goal
  • Reset a goal date...
    • ...to the current date
  • Allow for either local or sync storage usage
  • Use custom redirect to any URL
    • Determine and implement how you will choose between a custom URL or the default redirect screen
  • Show/hide goal on popup
  • Enable in incognito by default
    • If that's not possible, add a button to go to extension settings
  • Create on install features walkthrough (https://dribbble.com/shots/2362292-Predict-Launch)
  • [x Block URLs
    • By host
    • By host and path
  • Error handling