Readme set up issues
natguy opened this issue · 3 comments
First, is that <date>
in useState<Date>
a typo, not a placeholder?
let [currentMonth, setCurrentMonth] = useState<Date>(
startOfMonth(new Date())
Second, I seem to be getting an error that React is not liking the <DefaultMonthlyEventItem>
component's date being a javascript date object. And converting it to a string overcomes the error and displays the calendar, but does not display the event.
{ title: 'Call John', date: subHours(new Date(), 2) },
{ title: 'Call John', date: subHours(new Date(), 1) },
{ title: 'Meeting with Bob', date: new Date() },
renderDay={data =>, index) => (
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: Mon Apr 26 2021 14:48:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
Third, is only a suggestion, but you may want to mention in the setup docs the need for importing what's needed from date-fns .
import { startOfMonth, subHours } from 'date-fns'
First, is that in useState a typo, not a placeholder?
It is not a typo, I am saying that the state contains a Date instance. (This is using Typescript, you can omit it if you do not use TS)
As for the Objects are not valid keys error:
Sorry about the confusion. I will be sure to update the readme in regards to the date.
You need to format the date before passing it into DefaultMonthlyEventItem
I left it up to the end user (you) to decide how to format the date for displaying in the event item. You can see an example here:
I have fixed the readme, please check out the stories folder for complete example code:
Feel free to re-open this if you have any further issues :)
Thanks! Got it. Worked for me.