- 4 not resolving DNS
#25 opened by lyndonbuckley - 5
WeeklyDays locale es
#17 opened by AlexCernik - 4
- 2
MonthlyBody doesn't render days in the calendar
#19 opened by jzeng808 - 1
Custom Styling
#20 opened by Sumis34 - 3
Can't resolve 'date-fns/locale'
#16 opened by gustavazo - 0
- 13
CSS should be calendar specific
#9 opened by neillshurville - 3
Add ability for consumers to set some styles
#12 opened by smai-f - 1
how to change the language
#10 opened by felipepxavier - 1
Customize first day of the week
#13 opened by matteoMiglio - 1
How to modify the height into MonthlyDay
#8 opened by paquirus - 2
Large Bundle Size
#11 opened by eruby-br - 3
Allow locale customization
#5 opened by Ramiracle - 5
Customizable days of week
#7 opened by paquirus - 4
- 1
- 3
Readme set up issues
#2 opened by natguy