
spotify2py is a easy to use, feature-rich python wrapper for the Spotify Web API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



pip install spotify2py

This library can be installed by the pip command, open your command prompt and type in the following command...

Overview of this library

First import the library using the import method from spotify2py import Spotify and then proceed to call the functions


  • This function can be used to generate spotify api token.

  • Use the function with Spotify CLIENT_ID & CLIENT_SECRET to generate a token.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify().get_token(CLIENT_ID="your_CLIENT_ID", CLIENT_SECRET="your_CLIENT_SECRET")



  • This function can be used list the recently played track names & track url.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").recently_played(show=0)

  • Use the show={} method to get previous track, limit = 10.


  • This function can be used to get meta data about artists.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & Artist Name.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").get_artist("alan walker")


Output of this program:

    'artist_name': 'Alan Walker', 
    'artist_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/artist/7vk5e3vY1uw9plTHJAMwjN', 
    'artist_image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5ebfc16b9995c5301d3f7e5fad4', 
    'artist_total_followers': 29131930, 
    'artist_genres': 'electro house'


  • This function can be used to get meta data about album.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & Album Name.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").get_album("shockwave")


Output of this program:

    'album_name': 'Marshmello', 
    'album_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/6yXPyhVxt3PHBwkinPFn6I', 
    'total_tracks': 12, 
    'album_image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b273d82de295af2bbdc06fb14068', 
    'artist_name': 'Shockwave', 
    'album_release_date': '2021-06-11', 
    'artist_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/artist/64KEffDW9EtZ1y2vBYgq8T'


  • This function can be used to get meta data about featured playlist of your spotify account.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").featured_playlist(show=0)


Output of this program:

    'playlist_name': 'Easy On Saturday', 
    'playlist_description': 'Lekker rustig aan doen op zaterdag met deze zachte pop liedjes.', 
    'playlist_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX79N7YUDFu8f', 
    'playlist_image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67706f00000003e62a57481e6aaeb533bea9b3'
  • Use the show={} method to get previous or next playlist, limit = 10.


  • This function can be used to get meta data about user's profile .

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & **User ID.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token", user_id="user-id").user_profile()



  • This function can be used to get meta data about user's playlists.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & **User ID.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token", user_id="user-id").featured_playlist(show=0)

  • Use the show={} method to get previous or next playlist, limit = based on user's playlists count.


  • This function can be used to get meta data about new releases albums.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").new_releases(show=0)


Output of this program:

    'album_name': 'Wasting Time ( feat. Drake )', 
    'album_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/album/2brWccDLT5vREu0FxqH6Az', 
    'album_image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b2739b10373df0740a95838b7dd9'
  • Use the show={} method to get previous or next playlist, limit = 10.


  • This function can be used to get meta data about track's.

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & Track Name.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token").get_track("faded")


Output of this program:

    'artist_name': 'Alan Walker', 
    'artist_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/artist/7vk5e3vY1uw9plTHJAMwjN', 
    'track_image': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b273c4d00cac55ae1b4598c9bc90', 
    'track_url': 'https://open.spotify.com/track/7gHs73wELdeycvS48JfIos', 
    'track_name': 'Faded', 
    'track_release_date': '2015-12-04'


  • This function can be used to play tracks on spotify web .

  • Use the function with Spotify API Token & Track Name.

from spotify2py import Spotify

var = Spotify(token="token", user_id="user-id").play("alone marshmello")


Authorization Scopes

Images : ugc-image-upload
Playlists : playlist-modify-private, playlist-read-private, playlist-modify-public, playlist-read-collaborative
Users : user-read-private, user-read-email 
Spotify Connect : user-read-playback-state, user-modify-playback-state, user-read-currently-playing
Library : user-library-modify, user-library-read
Listening History : user-read-playback-position, user-read-recently-played, user-top-read Playback, app-remote-control streaming
Follow : user-follow-modify, user-follow-read

External Links:

Spotify Web API documentation
Create a application
Spotify Web API Console