A simple gateway of IP over IRC!

Primary LanguageC


A simple gateway of IP over IRC!

The basic usage

From its usage: <irc_nick> <irc_network> <irc_pass> <irc_channel> <local_ip> <remote_ip>

The netid is used for the in-irc comunication, it will identify the machine in a channel, you should NOT repeat it in different machines unless you want the bot to ignore each other.

The irc nick is the nick used for connecting to the network, it allows the usage of "%d" that will get replaced by a random number.

irc network is the address of the IRC that you want to use for IPoIRC, if it needs a password you should use irc pass for it, if it doesn't need one "-" means it will get ignored note that the port is actually hardcoded to 6667

irc channel defines the channel used for the comunication between different bots.

local ip is the IP that the bot will "own" locally, it will be the local ip in the irc%d interface

remote ip defines the IP that the other side of the "PtP" connection will have.


As IPoIRC's protocol changes very fast, this is here as a warning, and as a placeholder for explaining it here in a future.


IPoIRC is actually using a fixed Makefile, you need the following deps (using debian names):

  • libdumbnet-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • libbsd-dev
  • libircclient-dev
  • libpcre3-dev
  • libzmq3-dev

Note that IPoIRC uses ZeroMQ 3 that is only available, at the time of writing the README, in Debian Sid and Ubuntu >13.10.