
Rayleigh and Love Eigen function calculation

Primary LanguagePython

0) Dependencies : Computer code for seismology --> http://www.eas.slu.edu/eqc/eqccps.html

1)  input files:
    ** start_model.dat **

    the basic step model for only few caps. the program create_model.py
    will automaticaly discretize it.
    The start_model.dat must look like:

    0.7813   2.34      1.35      1518.2   500  250  0.0  0.0   1.0   1.0
    0.9957   2.42      1.40      1545.9   500  250  0.0  0.0   1.0   1.0
    1.2132   4.59      2.65      2238.7   500  250  0.0  0.0   1.0   1.0
    1.1272   5.32      3.06      2471.6   500  250  0.0  0.0   1.0   1.0
    ...      ...       ..        ..       .    .

    /!\ the program skip the infinity half space -> add one fictive infinitecimal line to
    take deeper layer in acount

    ** distance.dat **
    The required distance file. The file contains the following ASCII entries per line:
                        DIST DT NPTS T0 VRED
    where DIST is the epicentral distance in kilometers, DT is the sampling interval for
    the time series, NPTS is the number of points in the time series ( a power of 2). T0
    and VRED are used to define the time of the first sample point which is T0 +
    DIST/VRED if VRED ≠ 0 or T0 if VRED = 0.
    This program only uses the DT and NPTS entries to define the frequency range of
    desired dispersion
    1. 0.5 1024 0. 0
    2. 0.5 1024 0. 0
    3. 0.5 1024 0. 0
    4. 0.5 1024 0. 0
    5. 0.5 1024 0. 0

2)  >> Run create_model.py
    > Create all necesary inputs
    > Ask for the step
    > Note the displayed nlayers for eigenfunctions_*.bash (for step4))

3)  >> Run comp_disp.py

4)  >  Change the nlayer in eigenfunctions_*.bash
    >> Run eigenfunctions_*.bash

5)  > Set parameters for plot_eigen.py
    >> Plot it