
  • ok. Need to decide if you care abuot genus.
  • For each order.... show all families under it OR if there is just one, show all fish.
  • Same for each family, if you care about genuses...

Wow this roatan reef guide looks great,

// NOTE: many wrasses lack individual wikis, (genus) // Same for gobys, (genus) // Ditto for parrots, (genus) // See scorpionfish here, (family) // Slender filefish missing from wiki // Yellowtail damselfish picture sucks (maybe a juvenile or gender thing?) // NOTE that angelfishes have QUITE different juvenile forms

Neck crab missing too.

Well.... looks like we have around 30 orders and 60 families.

There are about 28,000 existing species of fish, and they are placed in five different classes. The classes are commonly referred to as hagfish, lampreys, cartilaginous fish, ray-finned fish, and lobe-finned fish (see the table in the previous lesson).

Fishes are typically divided into three groups: superclass Agnatha (jawless fishes), class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes), and superclass Osteichthyes (bony fishes).