This submodule will help you learn how to work with most popular web framework for Python - Django. We will explore a variety of concepts including using Model-View-Controller pattern, server-side programming, idea of using web frameworks and we will start our journey with Django.
By the end of this submodule, you should be able to:
- Understand the concept of MVC pattern
- Understand what web server is and how it is related to server-side programming
- Use the Django web framework to start creating projects and applications
Here are some useful resources for you to explore:
- The lecture
- The Django Tutorial on Django Girls
- The Django Tutorial on MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)
- Basic project setup and 'Hello world' in Django
Time: 20 minutes
Level of Difficult: Low
Description: There are few sub-tasks to complete
- Adding new app, URL configuration and routing
Time: 40 minutes
Level of Difficult: medium
Description: There are few sub-tasks to complete
- Views and templating
Time: 60 minutes
Level of Difficult: medium
- Sessions and cookies
Time: 40 minutes
Level of Difficult: medium
- Testing in Django
Time: 30 minutes
Level of Difficult: medium
- Django middleware
Time: 40 minutes
Level of Difficult: medium