- Docker.
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/zacniewski/simple-contact-form.git
cd simple-contact-form
was created to help user with running the project.
- To initialize the project:
make docker-up
- To aplly the migrations:
make make-migrations
make migrate
- To create the superuser:
make create-superuser
(login: admin
, password: admin123
- To create the non-admin user:
make create-user
(login: testuser
, password: test1234
- To check functionalities you should log in with aforementioned credentials.
- Fixtures
(40 contacts) were created. To apply them: make load-fixtures
- To run project in the browser, go to the
- Tests were created with pytest-django and pytest-drf.
- All test are placed in
- To run the tests:
make test-contacts
- To run
: make run-coverage
and then make coverage-html
to generate HTML report.
- At this moment coverage result is 89%.
├── contacts
│ ├── admin.py
│ ├── apps.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── migrations
│ │ ├── 0001_initial.py
│ │ └── __init__.py
│ ├── models.py
│ ├── serializers.py
│ ├── static
│ │ ├── css
│ │ └── js
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── views.py
├── contacts.json
├── core
│ ├── asgi.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── settings.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
├── db.sqlite3
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── manage.py
├── pytest.ini
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── templates
│ ├── base.html
│ ├── contact_list.html
│ ├── create_contact.html
│ ├── delete_contact.html
│ ├── home_page.html
│ ├── _pagination.html
│ ├── registration
│ │ ├── logged_out.html
│ │ └── login.html
│ └── update_contact.html
└── tests
├── conftest.py
└── test_contacts.py