
Rewritten Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temp & Humidity Sensors

Primary LanguageC++

NOT READY FOR USE!  I am rewriting this library pretty thoroughly, and it has not yet been fully debugged.  Feel free to create an issue if you notice a problem, otherwise I'll try to have this ready for use very soon.

This is an Arduino library for the DHT series of low cost temperature/humidity sensors.

Download the source, and put all the files in a folder named DHT.  Check that the DHT folder contains DHT.cpp and DHT.h, as well as DHT_TempHumidUtils.cpp and DHT_TempHumidUtils.h. Place the DHT folder inside your <arduinosketchfolder>/libraries/ folder.  (You may need to create the libraries subfolder if this is your first library.)  Restart the IDE.

There is a test file in DHT/examples/DHTtester.ino which you can run to test your sensor.