
main application to host backend web services and frontend assets

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Circle CI

Internal fork from mean.coffee

How to map:

  • Environment:
    • Homebrew (brew): ONLY IF OSX

      • install instructions or ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    • Ruby (rvm / ruby / foreman):

      • rvm:
        • IMPORTANT do not use sudo!
        • gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
        • \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
      • ruby:
        • rvm install ruby-2.1.3
        • Note if there are problems here it is usually with OSX command line tools being out of sync and missing gcc deps (resolved with brew) and osx commandline tools updates
      • foreman:
        • gem install foreman
    • Node (nvm / node / npm):

      • nvm:

        • brew install nvm or if not osx use google / probabaly apt-get install nvm
      • node: (via nvm)

        • nvm install 0.12.7
        • .nvmrc: (for good measure) tells nvm which node to load by default
          • echo 0.12.7 >> ~/.nvmrc
      • npm: This is an optional update to make npm newer than the defaulted npm released with 0.12.7

        • npm install -g npm bottom line any npm > 2.12.0 should be good
      • node global deps (convenience):

        • ./scripts/misc/devPreInstall (installs things like coffeescript, gulp, karma and junk so the shell can pick it up easily without npm run whatever)
        • JWI: it shouldn't actually be necessary to install anything globally to run our app... ideally "npm install" should handle everything, which also makes Heroku setup simpler
    • Application (Make sure you are at the root path of the source code base for map! Where package.json is present.)

      • npm install

      • Run gulp (for dev)

        • Requires Postgress Database Locally:

          • foreman run gulp or
          • foreman run scripts/runDev
        • Remote Heroku Database:

          • foreman run scripts/runDev --bare-server
      • Run the server (HEROKU ONLY)

        • foreman start

Db change management


  • forever script + git hook for custom deployment
  • nginx-buildpack for Heroku see above
  • make nginx installer work on more than OSX
  • npm run gulp-prod (for prod)
  • figure out if global prequisite install is actually necessary
  • set things up so "foreman start" will do what we want for every environment
  • fork memoizee and add option for understanding promises (so it can, at least optionally, choose not to cache rejected promises
  • fix coffescript source-mappings for stacktraces / log output
  • fix warn logging