This repo is based on the very good Auth0 and React tutorial provided on the Auth0 site available here
I am likely to forget the syntax for creating a new React app so I wanted to have it in the notes.
npx create-react-app <foo>
Examples on the web include lots of legacy React guidance before ES6 class
based concepts were fully developed or adopted. As a result the idiomatic
way to set initial state is not crystal clear as a beginner hunting for
examples. I found this stack overflow post
to be helpful. The specific guidance that cleared things up was this syntax for
initializing the constructor for ES6 classes and NOT using getInitialState()
Additionally, I appreciated the comment In the constructor, you should always assign to this.state
directly. Note that this is the only place where this is allowed. You should use this.setState()
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { /* initial state */ };