
Simple C++ wrapper for the cURL API

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains a simple C++ wrapper for the cURL API (cURL is a powerful C library for creating HTTP clients - e.g. for GETing and POSTing stuff).

Basic Usage

Retrieve a URL into a string:

curl::global g;
std::string s;
curl::calback::string cb(s);
curl::handle h(g, cb);
std::cout << s;

Retrieve a URL into a vector:

curl::global g;
std::vector v;
curl::calback::vector cb(v);
curl::handle h(g, cb);

There is also a predefined callback class for std::ostreams - you get the idea.

Conditional GET

curl::global g;
std::string s;
curl::calback::string cb(s);
curl::handle h(g, cb);
curl::tag tag;
tag = h.get("http://www.heise.de/");
std::cout << s << '\n' << tag << '\n';
try {
  tag = h.get("http://www.heise.de/", &tag);
  std::cout << s << '\n' << tag << '\n';
} catch (const underflow_error &e) {
  std::cout << "Saved page retrieval.\n";

A curl::tag object encapsulates ETag and/or Last-Modified header content.


Usage of namespaces, exceptions and setting some sane defaults for cURL (see the code).


Georg Sauthoff mail@georg.so

