
HTML Parser in Erlang

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An OTP library for parsing HTML documents.

This library attempts to follow the HTML 5.2 specification for tokenizing and parsing the HTML syntax as closely as possible. This means that common errors that browsers accept are also accepted here and sanitized.

The output from htmerl:sax/2 is identical to the XML SAX events produced by xmerl_sax_parser except that here all values and names are UTF-8 binary and not lists.


There are two ways to use htmerl. Firstly, to build a tree directly from the parsed input. Notice here that the missing "head" element was added.

1> htmerl:simple(<<"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>Hello</body></html>">>).

Secondly, as a SAX parser. Calling htmerl:sax/1 returns a list of SAX events. htmerl:sax/2 calls a user defined function.

2> htmerl:sax(<<"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>Hello</body></html>">>).

or with a user defined function and state

3> F = fun(E, _, S) -> io:format("Event: ~p~n", [E]), S end,
Opts = [{event_fun, F}, {user_state, []}],
htmerl:sax(<<"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>Hello</body></html>">>, Opts).
Event: startDocument
Event: {startDTD,<<"html">>,<<>>,<<>>}
Event: endDTD
Event: {startPrefixMapping,<<>>,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>}
Event: {startElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"html">>,
Event: {startElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"head">>,
Event: {endElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"head">>,
Event: {startElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"body">>,
Event: {characters,<<"Hello">>}
Event: {endElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"body">>,
Event: {endElement,<<"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">>,<<"html">>,
Event: {endPrefixMapping,<<>>}
Event: endDocument

or extracting values using the SAX events in a module:



run() ->
    Html =
        <<"<html><body><p>Check</p>nothing here<p>this <b>bold garbage</b></p>g"
    XPath = <<"html/body/p">>,
    Path =
            binary:split(XPath, <<"/">>, [global])),
    Opts = [{event_fun, fun xpath/3}, {user_state, {[], Path, []}}],
    {ok, TextList, []} = htmerl:sax(Html, Opts),

xpath({characters, Text}, _LineNum, {Path, Path, Acc}) ->
    {Path, Path, [Text | Acc]};
xpath({endElement, _Ns, Ln, _}, _LineNum, {[Ln | Path], XPath, Acc}) ->
    {Path, XPath, Acc};
xpath({startElement, _Ns, Ln, _, _Atts}, _LineNum, {Path, XPath, Acc}) ->
    {[Ln | Path], XPath, Acc};
xpath(endDocument, _LineNum, {_Path, _XPath, Acc}) ->
xpath(_Event, _LineNum, State) ->
4> htmerl_example:run().


$ rebar3 compile