
My general config and dotfiles for linux

Primary LanguageLua


My configs and dot files


Using the following applications:

sway or hyprland - Window Manager

swayidle - Timeout for WM

swaylock - Lock for WM

swaybg - Sets backgrounds

waybar - Bar for WM

waybar-hyprland-git - For hyprland specifically

wofi - dmenu/rofi alternative

pavucontrol - volume controll

grim - screenshots

slurp - screenshot cropping

gvfs && gvfs-smb - SMB/Samba support for thunar and other FMs

light - Monitor backlight controls

lxpolkit - Fix for root gui applications on wayland

lxappearance - GTK Theme setting

qt5ct - QT Theme setting

pipewire - Needed for wayland screenshare

xdg-desktop-portal-wlr - Needed for wayland screenshare

may need qt5-wayland and qt6-wayland as well for OBS

wl-clipboard - For wayland clipboard