Java - Spring

My Event

  • My Event is an application to manage musical events.

Technical stack

  • This is a maven project.
  • It uses HSQLDB as an in-memory database.
  • It starts using this maven lifecycle mvn spring-boot:run or using the IDE
  • The user interface is available at [http://localhost:8080]
  • The API resources are available at [http://localhost:8080/api/]


  • The user interface is tested and holds no identified issues.
  • We Identified a few things not working on the API.
  • Your job is to fix the issues and add a new feature to the API.

Identified Issues:

Please keep track (notes) of how you analysed and fixed the issues to help us 
understand the steps during the interview
  1. First, Eclipse IDE could not launch application. Due to a incompatiblity version of springframework and jdk
  2. After upgrading version of springframeword (from 1.4.1.RALEASE to 2.2.6.RALEASE), app lanched normally

New Feature

Except for the testing libraries, No library/modules should be added to the dependencies
(use only pure java)
  1. We would like to enable a new route for the API /search/{query}. It will allow us to display filtered events. The events are displayed only if at least one band has a member with the name matching the given pattern.

Example: /search/Wa

    "title": "GrasPop Metal Meeting",
    "imgUrl": "img/1000.jpeg",
    "bands": [{
        "name": "Metallica",
        "members": [
              "name": "Queen Anika Walsh"
  1. (BONUS) Add a [count] at each event and band to display the number of child items.

Example: /search/Wa

    "title": "GrasPop Metal Meeting [2]",
    "imgUrl": "img/1000.jpeg",
    "bands": [{
        "name": "Metallica [1]",
        "members": [
              "name": "Queen Anika Walsh"

Team Appreciation

Team overall appreciation will be based on:

  • Code readability, structure and consistency
  • Tests, how they are written
  • Bonus: usage of Functional concepts