This is a repository for my blog post on LogRocket. The title of the post is Interact with smart contracts via React and a Node.js API in which I showed how to develop a nodejs server as a middleware to make ordinary browsers possible to interact with smart contracts without using any third party plugins or extensions such as Metamask.
- alephartWhatPlay Co.
- alterkimDPNM Lab
- AnkushChavhan7596Pune
- BalajiRamachandran
- dnazer
- felipeklafkeFelipe Klafke
- gumdropsteveUSA
- iamnoblechrisNigeria
- imtjmalik
- joaopedrosdmm
- johnjkrcmarik
- jongan69@SolsticeConsulting
- marselzaripovAlter llc
- mogw
- nikwebinopoly@webinopoly
- pcherkashinUnited States
- satarii
- selcuktopal80
- ShimmerPig
- thanax2n
- The-Indian-ProgrammerLucknow
- Ystarz