
Zafar's Audio Functions in Julia for audio signal analysis: STFT, inverse STFT, CQT kernel, CQT spectrogram, CQT chromagram, MFCC, DCT, DST, MDCT, inverse MDCT.

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Zafar's Audio Functions in Julia for audio signal analysis.


See also:

  • Zaf-Matlab: Zafar's Audio Functions in Matlab for audio signal analysis.
  • Zaf-Python: Zafar's Audio Functions in Python for audio signal analysis.


This Julia module implements a number of functions for audio signal analysis.

Simply copy the file zaf.jl in your working directory, run include("./zaf.jl"); using .zaf, and you are good to go. Make sure to have the following packages installed (via Pkg.add("name_of_the_package")):

  • WAV: Julia package to read and write the WAV audio file format.
  • FFTW: Julia bindings to the FFTW library for fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), as well as functionality useful for signal processing.
  • Plots: powerful convenience for visualization in Julia.


  • stft - Compute the short-time Fourier transform (STFT).
  • istft - Compute the inverse STFT.
  • melfilterbank - Compute the mel filterbank.
  • melspectrogram - Compute the mel spectrogram using a mel filterbank.
  • mfcc - Compute the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) using a mel filterbank.
  • cqtkernel - Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) kernel.
  • cqtspectrogram - Compute the CQT spectrogram using a CQT kernel.
  • cqtchromagram - Compute the CQT chromagram using a CQT kernel.
  • dct - Compute the discrete cosine transform (DCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
  • dst - Compute the discrete sine transform (DST) using the FFT.
  • mdct - Compute the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the FFT.
  • imdct - Compute the inverse MDCT using the FFT.


  • hamming - Compute the Hamming window.
  • sigplot - Plot a signal in seconds.
  • specshow - Display a spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.
  • melspecshow - Display a mel spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.
  • mfccshow - Display MFCCs in seconds.
  • cqtspecshow - Display a CQT spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz.
  • cqtchromshow - Display a CQT chromagram in seconds.


Compute the short-time Fourier transform (STFT).

audio_stft = zaf.stft(audio_signal, window_function, step_length)
    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    window_function: window function (window_length,)
    step_length: step length in samples
    audio_stft: audio STFT (window_length, number_frames)

Example: Compute and display the spectrogram from an audio file.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Set the window duration in seconds (audio is stationary around 40 milliseconds)
window_duration = 0.04;

# Derive the window length in samples (use powers of 2 for faster FFT and constant overlap-add (COLA))
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, window_duration*sampling_frequency))

# Compute the window function (periodic Hamming window for COLA)
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")

# Set the step length in samples (half of the window length for COLA)
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)

# Compute the STFT
audio_stft = zaf.stft(audio_signal, window_function, step_length)

# Derive the magnitude spectrogram (without the DC component and the mirrored frequencies)
audio_spectrogram = abs.(audio_stft[2:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])

# Magnitude spectrogram (without the DC component and the mirrored frequencies)
audio_spectrogram = abs.(audio_stft[2:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])

# Display the spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
xtick_step = 1
ytick_step = 1000
plot_object = zaf.specshow(audio_spectrogram, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step, ytick_step)
heatmap!(title = "Spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))


Compute the inverse short-time Fourier transform (STFT).

audio_signal = zaf.istft(audio_stft, window_function, step_length)

    audio_stft: audio STFT (window_length, number_frames)
    window_function: window function (window_length,)
    step_length: step length in samples
    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)

Example: Estimate the center and the sides from a stereo audio file.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Plots

# Read the (stereo) audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")

# Set the parameters for the STFT
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)

# Compute the STFTs for the left and right channels
audio_stft1 = zaf.stft(audio_signal[:,1], window_function, step_length)
audio_stft2 = zaf.stft(audio_signal[:,2], window_function, step_length)

# Derive the magnitude spectrograms (with DC component) for the left and right channels
audio_spectrogram1 = abs.(audio_stft1[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])
audio_spectrogram2 = abs.(audio_stft2[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, :])

# Estimate the time-frequency masks for the left and right channels for the center
center_mask1 = min.(audio_spectrogram1, audio_spectrogram2)./audio_spectrogram1
center_mask2 = min.(audio_spectrogram1, audio_spectrogram2)./audio_spectrogram2

# Derive the STFTs for the left and right channels for the center (with mirrored frequencies)
center_stft1 = [center_mask1; center_mask1[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:2,:]] .* audio_stft1
center_stft2 = [center_mask2; center_mask2[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:2,:]] .* audio_stft2

# Synthesize the signals for the left and right channels for the center
center_signal1 = zaf.istft(center_stft1, window_function, step_length)
center_signal2 = zaf.istft(center_stft2, window_function, step_length)

# Derive the final stereo center and sides signals
center_signal = [center_signal1 center_signal2];
center_signal = center_signal[1:size(audio_signal, 1), :]
sides_signal = audio_signal-center_signal;

# Write the center and sides signals
wavwrite(center_signal, "center_signal.wav", Fs=sampling_frequency)
wavwrite(sides_signal, "sides_signal.wav", Fs=sampling_frequency)

# Display the original, center, and sides signals in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object1 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Original signal")
plot_object2 = zaf.sigplot(center_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Center signal")
plot_object3 = zaf.sigplot(sides_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Sides signal")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))


Compute the mel filterbank.

mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)

    sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
    window_length: window length for the Fourier analysis in samples
    number_mels: number of mel filters
    mel_filterbank: mel filterbank (sparse) (number_mels, number_frequencies)

Example: Compute and display the mel filterbank.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using Plots

# Compute the mel filterbank using some parameters
sampling_frequency = 44100
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
number_mels = 128
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)

# Display the mel filterbank
heatmap(Array(mel_filterbank), fillcolor = :jet, legend = false, fmt = :png, size = (990, 300), 
    title = "Mel filterbank", xlabel = "Frequency index", ylabel = "Mel index")


Compute the mel spectrogram using a mel filterbank.

mel_filterbank = zaf.melspectrogram(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank)

    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    window_function: window function (window_length,)
    step_length: step length in samples
    mel_filterbank: mel filterbank (number_mels, number_frequencies)
    mel_spectrogram: mel spectrogram (number_mels, number_times)

Example: Compute and display the mel spectrogram.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Set the parameters for the Fourier analysis
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)

# Compute the mel filterbank
number_mels = 128
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)

# Compute the mel spectrogram using the filterbank
mel_spectrogram = zaf.melspectrogram(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank)

# Display the mel spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.melspecshow(mel_spectrogram, number_samples, sampling_frequency, window_length, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "Mel spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))


Compute the mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) using a mel filterbank.

audio_mfcc = zaf.mfcc(audio_signal, sample_rate, number_filters, number_coefficients)

    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
    number_filters: number of filters
    number_coefficients: number of coefficients (without the 0th coefficient)
    audio_mfcc: audio MFCCs (number_times, number_coefficients)

Example: Compute and display the MFCCs, delta MFCCs, and delta-detla MFCCs.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Set the parameters for the Fourier analysis
window_length = nextpow(2, ceil(Int, 0.04*sampling_frequency))
window_function = zaf.hamming(window_length, "periodic")
step_length = convert(Int, window_length/2)

# Compute the mel filterbank
number_mels = 40
mel_filterbank = zaf.melfilterbank(sampling_frequency, window_length, number_mels)

# Compute the MFCCs using the filterbank
number_coefficients = 20
audio_mfcc = zaf.mfcc(audio_signal, window_function, step_length, mel_filterbank, number_coefficients)

# Compute the delta and delta-delta MFCCs
audio_dmfcc = diff(audio_mfcc, dims=2)
audio_ddmfcc = diff(audio_dmfcc, dims=2)

# Display the MFCCs, delta MFCCs, and delta-delta MFCCs in seconds
xtick_step = 1
number_samples = length(audio_signal)
plot_object1 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_mfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "MFCCs")
plot_object2 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_dmfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "Delta MFCCs")
plot_object3 = zaf.mfccshow(audio_ddmfcc, number_samples, sampling_frequency, xtick_step); plot!(title = "Delta MFCCs")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))


Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) kernel.

cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)

    sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
    octave_resolution: number of frequency channels per octave
    minimum_frequency: minimum frequency in Hz
    maximum_frequency: maximum frequency in Hz
    cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (sparse) (number_frequencies, fft_length)

Example: Compute and display the CQT kernel.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using Plots

# Set the parameters for the CQT kernel
sampling_frequency = 44100
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = sampling_frequency/2

# Compute the CQT kernel
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)

# Display the magnitude CQT kernel
heatmap(abs.(Array(cqt_kernel)), fillcolor = :jet, legend = false, fmt = :png, size = (990, 300), 
    title = "Magnitude CQT kernel", xlabel = "FFT index", ylabel = "CQT index")


Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) spectrogram using a CQT kernel.

cqt_spectrogram = zaf.cqtspectrogram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, cqt_kernel)

    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
    time_resolution: number of time frames per second
    cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (number_frequencies, fft_length)
    cqt_spectrogram: CQT spectrogram (number_frequencies, number_times)

Example: Compute and display the CQT spectrogram.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Compute the CQT kernel
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = 3520
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)

# Compute the CQT spectrogram using the kernel
time_resolution = 25
cqt_spectrogram = zaf.cqtspectrogram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, cqt_kernel)

# Display the CQT spectrogram in dB, seconds, and Hz
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.cqtspecshow(cqt_spectrogram, time_resolution, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "CQT spectrogram (dB)", size = (990, 600))


Compute the constant-Q transform (CQT) chromagram using a kernel.

cqt_chromagram = zaf.cqtchromagram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, octave_resolution, cqt_kernel)

    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    sampling_frequency: sampling frequency in Hz
    time_resolution: number of time frames per second
    octave_resolution: number of frequency channels per octave
    cqt_kernel: CQT kernel (number_frequencies, fft_length)
    cqt_chromagram: CQT chromagram (number_chromas, number_times)

Example: Compute and display the CQT chromagram.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Compute the CQT kernel
octave_resolution = 24
minimum_frequency = 55
maximum_frequency = 3520
cqt_kernel = zaf.cqtkernel(sampling_frequency, octave_resolution, minimum_frequency, maximum_frequency)

# Compute the CQT chromagram using the kernel
time_resolution = 25
cqt_chromagram = zaf.cqtchromagram(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, time_resolution, octave_resolution, cqt_kernel)

# Display the CQT chromagram in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object = zaf.cqtchromshow(cqt_chromagram, time_resolution, xtick_step)
heatmap!(title = "CQT chromagram", size = (990, 300))


Compute the discrete cosine transform (DCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

audio_dct = zaf.dct(audio_signal, dct_type)

    audio_signal: audio signal (window_length,)
    dct_type: dct type (1, 2, 3, or 4)
    audio_dct: audio DCT (number_frequencies,)

Example: Compute the 4 different DCTs and compare them to FFTW's DCTs.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using FFTW
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Get an audio segment for a given window length
window_length = 1024
audio_segment = audio_signal[1:window_length]

# Compute the DCT-I, II, III, and IV
audio_dct1 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 1)
audio_dct2 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 2)
audio_dct3 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 3)
audio_dct4 = zaf.dct(audio_segment, 4)

# Compute FFTW's DCT-I, II, III, and IV (orthogonalized)
audio_segment2 = copy(audio_segment)
audio_segment2[[1, end]] = audio_segment2[[1, end]]*sqrt(2)
fftw_dct1 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment2, FFTW.REDFT00)
fftw_dct1[[1, window_length]] = fftw_dct1[[1, window_length]]/sqrt(2)
fftw_dct1 = fftw_dct1/2 * sqrt(2/(window_length - 1))

fftw_dct2 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment, FFTW.REDFT10)
fftw_dct2[1] = fftw_dct2[1]/sqrt(2)
fftw_dct2 = fftw_dct2/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)

audio_segment2 = copy(audio_segment)
audio_segment2[1] = audio_segment2[1]*sqrt(2)
fftw_dct3 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment2, FFTW.REDFT01)
fftw_dct3 = fftw_dct3/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)

fftw_dct4 = FFTW.r2r(audio_segment, FFTW.REDFT11)
fftw_dct4 = fftw_dct4/2 * sqrt(2/window_length)

# Plot the DCT-I, II, III, and IV, FFTW's versions, and their differences (using yformatter because of precision issue in ticks)
dct1_plot = plot(audio_dct1, title = "DCT-I")
dct2_plot = plot(audio_dct2, title = "DCT-II")
dct3_plot = plot(audio_dct3, title = "DCT-III")
dct4_plot = plot(audio_dct4, title = "DCT-IV")
dct1_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct1, title = "FFTW's DCT-I")
dct2_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct2, title = "FFTW's DCT-II")
dct3_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct3, title = "FFTW's DCT-III")
dct4_plot2 = plot(fftw_dct4, title = "FFTW's DCT-IV")
diff1_plot = plot(audio_dct1-fftw_dct1, title = "DCT-I - FFTW's DCT-I")
diff2_plot = plot(audio_dct2-fftw_dct2, title = "DCT-II - FFTW's DCT-II", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
diff3_plot = plot(audio_dct3-fftw_dct3, title = "DCT-III - FFTW's DCT-III", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
diff4_plot = plot(audio_dct4-fftw_dct4, title = "DCT-IV - FFTW's DCT-IV", yformatter = y->string(convert(Int, round(y/1e-16)),"x10⁻¹⁶"))
plot(dct1_plot, dct2_plot, dct3_plot, dct4_plot, dct1_plot2, dct2_plot2, dct3_plot2, dct4_plot2, 
    diff1_plot, diff2_plot, diff3_plot, diff4_plot, xlims = (0, window_length), legend = false, titlefont = 10, 
    layout = (3,4), size = (990, 600), fmt = :png)


Compute the discrete sine transform (DST) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

audio_dst = zaf.dst(audio_signal, dst_type)

    audio_signal: audio signal (window_length,)
    dst_type: DST type (1, 2, 3, or 4)
    audio_dst: audio DST (number_frequencies,)

Example: Compute the 4 different DSTs and compare their respective inverses with the original audio.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Get an audio segment for a given window length
window_length = 1024
audio_segment = audio_signal[1:window_length]

# Compute the DST-I, II, III, and IV
audio_dst1 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 1)
audio_dst2 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 2)
audio_dst3 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 3)
audio_dst4 = zaf.dst(audio_segment, 4)

# Compute their respective inverses, i.e., DST-I, II, III, and IV
audio_idst1 = zaf.dst(audio_dst1, 1)
audio_idst2 = zaf.dst(audio_dst2, 3)
audio_idst3 = zaf.dst(audio_dst3, 2)
audio_idst4 = zaf.dst(audio_dst4, 4)

# Plot the DST-I, II, III, and IV, their respective inverses, and their differences with the original audio segment
dst1_plot = plot(audio_dst1, title = "DST-I")
dst2_plot = plot(audio_dst2, title = "DST-II")
dst3_plot = plot(audio_dst3, title = "DST-III")
dst4_plot = plot(audio_dst4, title = "DST-IV")
idst1_plot2 = plot(audio_idst1, title = "Inverse DST-I (DST-I)")
idst2_plot2 = plot(audio_idst2, title = "Inverse DST-II (DST-III)")
idst3_plot2 = plot(audio_idst3, title = "Inverse DST-III (DST-II)")
idst4_plot2 = plot(audio_idst4, title = "Inverse DST-IV (DST-IV)")
diff1_plot = plot(audio_idst1-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-I - audio segment")
diff2_plot = plot(audio_idst2-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-II - audio segment")
diff3_plot = plot(audio_idst3-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-III - audio segment")
diff4_plot = plot(audio_idst4-audio_segment, title = "Inverse DST-IV - audio segment")
plot(dst1_plot, dst2_plot, dst3_plot, dst4_plot, idst1_plot2, idst2_plot2, idst3_plot2, idst4_plot2, 
    diff1_plot, diff2_plot, diff3_plot, diff4_plot, xlims = (0, window_length), legend = false, titlefont = 10, 
    layout = (3,4), size = (990, 600), fmt = :png)


Compute the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)

    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)
    window_function: window function (window_length,)
    audio_mdct: audio MDCT (number_frequencies, number_times)

Example: Compute and display the MDCT as used in the AC-3 audio coding format.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Add and use the DSP package to get the kaiser window function
using Pkg
using DSP

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Compute the Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) window as used in the AC-3 audio coding format
window_length = 512
alpha_value = 5
window_function = kaiser(convert(Int, window_length/2)+1, alpha_value*pi)
window_function2 = cumsum(window_function[1:convert(Int, window_length/2)])
window_function = sqrt.([window_function2; window_function2[convert(Int, window_length/2):-1:1]]./sum(window_function))

# Compute the MDCT
audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)

# Display the MDCT in dB, seconds, and Hz
xtick_step = 1
ytick_step = 1000
plot_object = zaf.specshow(abs.(audio_mdct), length(audio_signal), sampling_frequency, xtick_step, ytick_step)
heatmap!(title = "MDCT (dB)", size = (990, 600))


Compute the inverse modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) using the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

audio_signal = zaf.imdct(audio_mdct, window_function)

    audio_mdct: audio MDCT (number_frequencies, number_times)
    window_function: window function (window_length,)
    audio_signal: audio signal (number_samples,)

Example: Verify that the MDCT is perfectly invertible.

# Load the needed modules
using .zaf
using WAV
using Statistics
using Plots

# Read the audio signal with its sampling frequency in Hz, and average it over its channels
audio_signal, sampling_frequency = wavread("audio_file.wav")
audio_signal = mean(audio_signal, dims=2)

# Compute the MDCT with a slope function as used in the Vorbis audio coding format
window_length = 2048
window_function = sin.(pi/2*(sin.(pi/window_length*(0.5:window_length-0.5)).^2))
audio_mdct = zaf.mdct(audio_signal, window_function)

# Compute the inverse MDCT
audio_signal2 = zaf.imdct(audio_mdct, window_function)
audio_signal2 = audio_signal2[1:length(audio_signal)]

# Compute the differences between the original signal and the resynthesized one
audio_differences = audio_signal-audio_signal2
y_max = maximum(abs.(audio_differences))

# Display the original and resynthesized signals, and their differences in seconds
xtick_step = 1
plot_object1 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Original signal")
plot_object2 = zaf.sigplot(audio_signal2, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-1, 1), title = "Resyntesized signal")
plot_object3 = zaf.sigplot(audio_differences, sampling_frequency, xtick_step)
plot!(ylims = (-y_max, y_max), title = "Original - resyntesized signal")
plot(plot_object1, plot_object2, plot_object3, layout = (3, 1), size = (990, 600))


This Jupyter notebook shows some examples for the different functions of the Julia module zaf.

See Jupyter notebook viewer.


23 second audio excerpt from the song Que Pena Tanto Faz performed by Tamy.
