
A few benchmarks on Numba and Cython

Primary LanguagePython

Parallelization benchmarks

Spark is slower than we expected since re-distribution of data takes considerable amount of time according to results of pysparkling tests.

After that we decided to run these operations with pure python code in a not-distributed but parallelized environment. Python3 provides a multithreading library from concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.

Firstly, I tested the number of workers (threads)' effect on performance.

  • Input: list of 1 M integers
  • Operation: f(x) = 2*x - 1

Surprisingly, increasing number of threads didn't increase the performance. I checked a few websites if using threads are correct thing to do or not. This is what I have found:

What are threads used for in Python?

  • In GUI applications to keep the UI thread responsive
  • IO tasks (network IO or filesystem IO)

Threads should not be used for CPU bound tasks. Using threads for CPU bound tasks will actually result in worse performance compared to using a single thread. The CPython implementation has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) which allows only one thread to be active in the interpreter at once. This means that threads cannot be used for parallel execution of Python code. While parallel CPU computation is not possible, parallel IO operations are possible using threads. This is because performing IO operations releases the GIL.

For parallel execution of tasks, the multiprocessing module can be used.

So, I tested multiprocessing module with our basic operation again.

  • Input: list of 10 M integers
  • Operation: f(x) = 2*x - 1

This time increasing number of processes increased the performance ~30%. The reason why we didn't get 100% better performance could be that time required to combine computed results by each core may take more time than total computation time. So, we decided to test multiprocessing module with more complex fibonacci operation.

This graph shows the performance improvement by increasing number of processes with fib(20) operation. I increased the operation's complexity and did the same benchmark with fib(40). But the resulting graph is similar. Using 2 cores brings 13% more performance for fib(50) operation. WHY?

Numba benchmarks

With a few annotations, array-oriented and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time compiled to native machine instructions, similar in performance to C, C++ and Fortran, without having to switch languages or Python interpreters.

Firstly, I tested performance of numba with our basic dataset and operation.

  • Input: python list of integers with varying size
  • Operation: f(x)= 2x - 1

Due to time required to compile the python code, numba does worse than python until the dataset size becomes 1M. But numba couldn't outperform pure python with this python list mapping operation. So, I decided to test its performance with string operations.

Secondly, I imported The_Idiot.txt line by line.

  • Input: k copies of lines in The_Idiot.txt as a python list (k is varying)
  • Operation: f(x) = re.split("\s+", line)

Average performance ratio: 0.97. Numba and python performs very similarly on string operations independent of dataset size.

Thirdly, I tested performance of Numba and pure python with numpy operations.

  • Input: 2D numpy array with varying first size dimension, second dimension size=20
  • Operation: cosine similarity between all rows.

Unfortunately, numba and python do perform similarly again. I checked out some blog posts about when it's suitable to use numba. One writer says:

Numba will be a benefit for functions with the following characteristics:

  • Run time is primarily due to NumPy array element memory access or numerical operations (integer or float) more complex than a single NumPy function call.
  • Functions which work with data types that are frequently converted by NumPy functions to int64 or float64 for calculations (like int8 and int16).
  • The function is called many times during normal execution. Compilation is slow, so if the function is not called more than once, the execution time savings is unlikely to compensate for compilation time. The function execution time is larger than the Numba dispatcher overhead. Functions which execute in much less than a microsecond are not going to see a major improvement, as the wrapper code which transitions from the Python interpreter to Numba takes longer than a pure Python function call.

Now, I decided to test numba with matrix multiplication operation rather than cosine similarity implemented with 3 NumPy functions. Results are satisfying.

Matrix power operation:

Cython benchmarks

The Cython language is a superset of the Python language that additionally supports calling C functions and declaring C types on variables and class attributes. This allows the compiler to generate very efficient C code from Cython code. The C code is generated once and then compiles with all major C/C++ compilers in CPython 2.6, 2.7 (2.4+ with Cython 0.20.x) as well as 3.3 and all later versions.

Before starting these benchmarks, I planned comparing pure python's performance with Cython's performance on calculating cosine similarity. But I found another blog post comparing numba, cython, scikitlearn, SciPy on pairwise distance functions. The blog post's conclusion is:

Out of all the above pairwise distance methods, unadorned Numba is the clear winner, with highly-optimized Cython coming in a close second. Both beat out the other options by a large amount.

Reference 1

Note that this is log-scaled, so the vertical space between two grid lines indicates a factor of 10 difference in computation time!

Considering that Cython is a static compiler, we need

  • to write our code with cython syntax
  • build it
  • import from another python module

Before starting developing some complex operation in cython, I recognized that these steps require much more work than numba, a dynamic compiler.

Cython enables us to write C like python code with pointers, explicit types, arrays, structs, enums ...

In cymatrix.pyx, I implemented matrix multiplication like that:

import numpy as np

cpdef double[:,:] multiply_matrices(double[:,:] m1, double[:,:] m2):
  cdef int M = m1.shape[0]
  cdef int N = m1.shape[1]
  cdef int P = m2.shape[0]
  cdef int Q = m2.shape[1]
  cdef int c, d, k
  cdef double[:,:] res = np.zeros((M, Q))
  cdef double sum = 0

  for c in range(M):
    for d in range(Q):
      for k in range(N):
        sum += m1[c][k] * m2[k][d]

      res[c][d] = sum
      sum = 0

  return res

setup.py contains following lines:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

setup(name="cymatrix", ext_modules=cythonize('cymatrix.pyx'),)

and we compile from the terminal with

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Then, I imported cymatrix module from my python test script and compared its performance with the same function written in python and auto-jitted numba version. Here is the result:

My conclusion is that, numba and cython performs nearly same since both of them compile the python source code into C/C++ code and probably runs the similar C/C++ code snippet. Numba automatically creates compiled source code with single decorator jit, while we're explicitly re-writing python functions with types in Cython, building and importing. It's crystal clear that using dynamic compiler Numba is much easier for developers (us) than rewriting the same code in Cython with additional stuff. Supported by the results (see Reference 1) that I shared from the blog post, Numba beats Cython with equal performance and its dynamic, auto-type-detecting features.

General Conclusion


  • Use multiple threads only for IO tasks
  • Using multiple processes increases the performance, but this increase isn't linear with number of processes
  • Using more processes than number of cores in the machine does not effect the performance. Generally the performance stays same after running more processes than number of cores.

Numba and Cython

  • Numba is a dynamic compiler and does not require to re-implement existing functions. Zero effort to integrate it into existing architecture. Cython is a static compiler and requires to re-develop the same python code in Cython language with .pyx extension. .pyx files are compiled with setup.py and imported by python scripts. Same functions compiled with Numba and Cython performs nearly same for most of the functions, but Numba is optimized for NumPy operations.
  • NumPy can multiply huge matrices within a few milliseconds. NumPy functions compiled with Numba even does these multiplications up to 50 times faster. Using for loops to complete the same operation takes more than a minute with native python code. But same for loops compiled with Numba takes less than a second. NUMBA ROCKS!

For example

  • Input: 500 x 500 Matrix
  • Operation: Matrix Multiplication
  1. NumPy's matrix multiplication function: 13 milliseconds
  2. NumPy's matrix multiplication compiled with Numba: 0.6 milliseconds
  3. Matrix multiplication with for loops in python: 106 seconds
  4. Matrix multiplication with for loops in python compiled with Numba: 0.21 seconds
  5. Matrix multiplication with for loops written in Cython: 0.27 seconds
  • Numba increased NumPy performance 22 times and Python for loops's performance 504 times! We should definitely use Numba for mathematical functions and nested for loops. Numba can't make better for string operations as I showed in one of the previous benchmark results.