
:sparkles: Website v3 (now with templating + SCSS)!

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github pages

✨ Personal Site v2.2

powered by Hugo + Obsidian

A personal site, blog, and 2nd brain! Built with Hugo, and plain HTML/JS/CSS.

Why I switched

I got tired of adding divs and other stuff manually everytime I wanted to update a project / add new stuff, so I decided to something more powerful that supports templating to do it for me automatically.

Blog and 2nd Brain

All content is located under /content which includes my newsletter issues, blog posts, books I'm ready, and more! Content is edited by opening /content as an Obsidian vault.


You can find the 'main' index.html under layouts/index.html. It now just references a bunch of partial blocks which you can find all over layouts/partials. These are all reused components from the old static site, except all the details are now filled in using data files found in data. So now, I can just edit stuff in data and generate new stuff for my site!

Can I use your site as a template?

I spent a lot of time on this website so if you plan on using this website as a template or base for your own personal site, I kindly ask you to credit me somewhere within the GitHub repository or on the actual site itself if you intend to not release the source code.

TLDR; yes, but please credit me somewhere.