
Pytorch implementation of LayoutNet.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an unofficial implementation of CVPR 18 paper "LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image". Official layout dataset are all converted to .png and pretrained models are converted to pytorch state-dict.
What difference from official:

  • Architecture: Only joint bounday branch and corner branch are implemented as the paper states that "Training with 3D regressor has a small impact".
  • Pre-processing: implementation of line segment detector and pano image alignment are converted from matlab to python in pano.py and pano_lsd_align.py.
  • Post-processing: no 3D layout optimization. Alternatively, this repo smooths the probability map before peak finding and find it help improve testing evaluation metric.

Sampled visualization from testing data:


  • Python 3
  • pytorch>=0.4.1
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • Pillow
  • opencv-python>=3.1 (for pre-processing)


  | /origin
  |   /data  (download and extract from official)
  |   /gt    (download and extract from official)
    /panofull_*_pretrained.t7  (download and extract from official)
  • Execute python torch2pytorch_data.py to convert data/origin/**/* to data/train, data/valid and data/test for pytorch data loader. Under these folder, img/ contains all raw rgb .png while line/, edge/, cor/ contain preprocessed Manhattan line segment, ground truth boundary and ground truth corner respectively.
  • Use torch2pytorch_pretrained_weight.py to convert official pretrained pano model to encoder, edg_decoder, cor_decoder pytorch state_dict (see python torch2pytorch_pretrained_weight.py -h for more detailed). examples:
    • to convert layout pretrained only
      python torch2pytorch_pretrained_weight.py --torch_pretrained ckpt/panofull_joint_box_pretrained.t7 --encoder ckpt/pre_full_encoder.pth --edg_decoder ckpt/pre_full_edg_decoder.pth --cor_decoder ckpt/pre_full_cor_decoder.pth
    • to convert full pretrained (layout regressor branch will be ignored)
      python torch2pytorch_pretrained_weight.py --torch_pretrained ckpt/panofull_joint_box_pretrained.t7 --encoder ckpt/pre_full_encoder.pth --edg_decoder ckpt/pre_full_edg_decoder.pth --cor_decoder ckpt/pre_full_cor_decoder.pth


If you have aligned pano image and corresponding extracted line segments, use visual.py, otherwise use visual_from_scratch.py.

See python visual.py -h for detailed arguments explaination. Basically, --path_prefix give the prefix path to 3 state_dict to load, --img_glob and --line_glob tell the input channels of rgb and line segment (remember to add quotes if you use wildcards like * in your glob path). Finally --output_dir specify the directory to dump the results.
Execute below command to get the same output as demos.
python visual.py --flip --rotate 0.25 0.5 0.75 --img_glob "data/test/img/pano_aaccxxpwmsdgvj.png" --line_glob "data/test/line/pano_aaccxxpwmsdgvj.png" --output_dir assert/

  • output boudary probability map, suffix with _edg.png demo edge
  • output corner probability map, suffix with _cor.png demo corner
  • output boundary, suffix with _bon.png (Note that below result isn't processed by 3D layout optimization) demo boundary

If you have rgb pano image only, visual_from_scratch.py wraps pre-processing steps (line segments detector + alignment) such that you just have --line_glob specifying input rgb images.


See python train.py -h for detailed arguments explanation.
The default training strategy is the same as official. To launch experiments as official "corner+boundary" setting (--id is used to identified the experiment and can be named youself):

python train.py --id exp_default

To train only using RGB channels as input (no Manhattan line segment):

python train.py --id exp_rgb --input_cat img --input_channels 3


See python eval.py -h and python eval_corner_error.py -h for more detailed arguments explanation. Examples:

python eval.py --path_prefix ckpt/exp_default/epoch_30
python eval_corner_error.py --path_prefix ckpt/exp_default/epoch_30 --rotate 0.5 --flip

Note - post-processing component, 3D layout optimization, is not implemented. Alternatively, algorithm yieling initial corner guess are modified to get better result.

exp edg loss cor loss Corner error (%)
panofull_joint_box_pretrained 0.128767 0.085045 1.35
default setting 0.116559 0.077435 0.98
rgb only 0.124780 0.085284 1.43
  • Columns
    • edg loss - training objective
    • cor loss - training objective
    • Corner error - L2 distance between ground truth and predicted corner positions normalized by image diagonal
  • Rows
    • panofull_joint_box_pretrained - state_dict directly converted from official
    • default setting - all hyperparameters are not modified
    • rgb only - model only trained with rgb, no line detection as extra features
