
PoC Ransomware

Primary LanguagePython

AlbCrypt - PoC Ransomware in Python

AlbCrypt is an open-source, python ransomware Proof-of-Concept. This project is young and incomplete so there may be bugs and errors. Minor tests have been conducted to ensure there are no syntax errors and the script runs.

AlbCrypt eshte nje python ransomware me burim te hapur si koncept prove. Ky projekt eshte fillestar dhe i paperfunduar dhe mund te kete probleme te vogla. Disa teste jane kryer per tu siguruar qe nuk ka gabime ne sintakse dhe qe kodi ekzekutohet.

WARNING! If run, this script can encrypt files. Make sure you run it in a safe environment (e.g. virtual machine).

KUJDES! Nese ekzekutohet, ky kod mund te enkriptoje filet tuaja. Sigurohuni qe te eksperimentoni ne nje ambient te sigurt (p.sh makineri virtuale)


Clone repository git clone https://github.com/zagnox/AlbCrypt.git

Run script and specify target folder python3 albcrypt.py -p <target path>

Run again to decrypt files with -d decrypt option python3 albcrypt.py -d -p <target path>


This project is provided for PURELY EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. I take absolutely zero responsibility for any misuse of this project, and condemn any use other than education, and testing of very crafted environments. Use of this software on any system not owned by you is entirely illegal, and even use on systems you own can still be illegal under certain circumstances. If I become aware of, or suspect any abuse, I can and will take down this project at anytime. You are responsible for your own actions and any legal consequences they may incur.

Ky projekt sherben vetem per QELLIME EDUKUESE. Une si zhvillues nuk kam asnje pergjegjesi per keqperdorimin e ketij projekti, dhe denoj cdo lloj perdorimi pervecse per edukim. Perdorimi i ketij programi ne sisteme qe nuk jane ne pronesine tuaj eshte totalisht ilegal. Nese une jam ne dijeni apo dyshoj per abuzim apo keqperdorim te ketij programi, une do ta fshij kete projekt ne momentin me te pare. Ju jeni pergjegjes per veprimet tuaja dhe per pasojat ligjore qe vijne prej tyre.