
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fun Facts

A simple project to be used for the final practice exam for the DevOps - Containerization, CI/CD & Monitoring (2022.04) course at SoftUni.

It is a set of three Docker containers, each with a dedicated role. Together they form a simple web application.

The general setup looks like:

general setup

If the images have the following names (img-client, img-storage, and img-generator), then the correct commands to run the application in test mode would be:

# Run the client component
docker container run -d --name con-client --net fun-facts -p 8080:5000 img-client

# Run the storage component
docker container run -d --name con-storage --net fun-facts -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='ExamPa$$w0rd' img-storage

# Run the generator component
docker container run -d --name con-generator --net fun-facts img-generator

If all is set up corectly then the result would be something like this:

sample result

For successful completion of the challenge, you will have to create a pipeline that implements the following steps:

  • build the images;
  • run the containers in test mode (client published on port 8080)
  • test that the client is accessible;
  • publish the images to a registry (for example, Docker Hub);
  • run the application from the published images in production mode (client published on port 80);
  • ensure the containers are part of the same network.

Please note that:

  • each container should be named after the following rule - con-role, where role is either client, storage, or generator. For example, con-client;
  • database password is expected to be ExamPa$$w0rd;
  • web content is delivered by the client on port 5000. It may be redirected to an arbitrary port on the host, for example on port 80 or port 8080;
  • there is no particular order to follow when starting the containers.

More specific details could be found in the downloadable Practice Exam document available in the Regular Exam section of the course.