



Script Order & Checklist

  1. Shebang (#!)
  2. Comments/introduction to the script
  3. Global variables
  4. Functions
  5. Main script content
  6. Exit status


Testing Files

-d FILE checks if the file is a directory

-e FILE checks if the file exists

-f FILE checks if the file exists and is a regular file (i.e. not a symlink)

-r FILE checks if the file is readable

-s FILE checks if the file exists and is not empty

-w FILE checks if the file is writable

-x FILE checks if the file is executable

String Operators

-z STRING checks if the string is empty

-n STRING checks if the string is not empty

STRING1 = STRING2 checks equality between two strings

STRING1 != STRING2 checks inequality between two strings

Arithmetic Operators

NUM1 -eq NUM2 checks if the two numbers are equal

NUM1 -ne NUM2 checks if the two numbers are not equal

NUM1 -lt NUM2 checks if number one is less than number two

NUM1 -le NUM2 checks if number one is less than or equal to number two

NUM1 -gt NUM2 checks if number one is greater than number two

NUM1 -ge NUM2 checks if number one is greater than or equal to number two

Logical Operators

&& is AND

|| is OR

Control Statements

if [ condition ] then
    # do this
elif [ another condition ] then
    # do that
    # do something else
    # do this
    # do that
    # do something else
while [ condition ]
    # do something
    # do something else
case "$VAR" in
        # do something
        ;; # terminates the case
        # do something else

Script Parameters

Scripts will often accept parameters. These can be accessed using $X where X is the parameter number. $0 is a special parameter and is reserved for the name of the shell or shell script. $@ is another special parameter. This parameter is an array of all of the parameters passed to the script.

User Input

read -p "PROMPT MESSAGE" VAR will prompt the user for input using the "PROMPT MESSAGE" and store it in $VAR

Exit Status

Every command returns an exit status. This return code can range from 0 to 255. 0 means the command executed successfully whilst any other return code means an error occurred - which can be useful for error checking.

$? is a variable that contains the return code of the previously executed command.

return NUM explicitly defines the return code


Functions must be defined BEFORE they're called and can be defined in a couple of ways:

function function-name() {
    # do something

function-name() {
    # do something else

Functions can be called simply by referencing them by name:

function hello() {
    echo "Hello $1"

hello Kiel

Variable Scope

By default, all variables are global. Variables must be declared before they can be used.

Local variables can be created using the local keyword: local LOCAL_VAR="VALUE". This keyword can only be used inside functions.


A wildcard is a character or string used for pattern matching.

* matches zero or more characters

? matches exactly one character

[abc] matches any of the included characters

! excludes characters

- defines a range of characters

[[:alpha:]] matches upper and lowercase characters

[[:alnum:]] matches upper and lowercase characters and integer numbers

[[:digit:]] matches any integer number

[[:lower:]] matches lowercase letters

[[:upper:]] matches uppercase letters

[[:space:]] matches whitespace

\ escapes a character


# create user.notice message
logger "Message"

# create local0.info message
logger -p local0.info "Message"

# tagging
logger -t your_tag -p local1.debug "Message"

# include the PID
logger -i "Message"

# log to console
logger -s "Message"


Add -x to the end of the shebang to print commands and their arguments as they execute. You can also specify specific sections of your script to debug using:

# begin debugging
set -x

# do something
# do something else

# stop debugging
set +x

Modify the value of the PS4 variable to help with debugging:

# print the script name and line number when the -x option is used

Add -e to terminate the script when a command returns a non-zero exit status.

Add -v to print commands as they are written.