To develop and run this project, you need to have Node.js installed on your machine.
Node.js includes NPM, which will simplify the setup process. After installing Node.js, you can verify the installation with:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
Navigate to the project directory and install the dependencies:
$ npm install
To start the development server and watch for file changes:
$ npm start
To run the project's test suite:
$ npm test
- React: For building the user interface.
- Redux Toolkit: For managing application state.
- RTK Query: For fetching and caching data efficiently.
- Jest: For writing and running tests.
Paginated Pokémon List:
- Retrieves a list of Pokémon from an external API.
- Implements pagination to manage and display Pokémon in pages.
- Allows users to navigate through the pages of Pokémon.
Pokémon Details View:
- Displays detailed information about a selected Pokémon.
- Information includes the Pokémon's name, image, height, weight, and types.
Responsive Design:
- Ensures the application is accessible and functional on various devices, including mobile phones.
- Environment-specific configurations such as API base URLs can be managed using