Exercises 1. trello-copy-exercise Work on rendering a single list of cards. For more practice, render multiple lists of cards side-by-side. 2. hacker-news-exercise Implement the list of stories. For more practice, implement the header too. 3. pinterest-exercise Implement a list of image cards. For more practice, implement the header too. 4. nft-preview-card Implement an NFT preview card component 5. internet-radio-exercise Come up with a nice way of sizing the buttons so they get progressively larger. 6. pizza-order-exercise (Hook: useReducer) Create an app (form) that involves radio buttons, a checkbox, a select dropdown, and a textarea. 7. calculator (Hook: useReducer) Create a calculator app without using any math library. 8. tic-tac-toe Create and style a basic tic-tac-toe game 9. shopping site Create and style a basic shopping site