A Creative Coding Project made in Processing (p5.js) It is ecompassed around a Loading Throbber and how it pushes and pulls against the ideas of patience
Zul Ahmed Loading Throbber Processing5.JavaScript, 19 x 30 x 24 inches
"Loading Throbber" engages with the concept of the loading screen. I used the drawing tool in the coding language p5.js, to create a soothing, mesmerizing, and intermittently agitating experience that alternately counters and emphasizes the frustration and impatience often associated with waiting for a loading screen to resolve.
The code behind this piece generates a hypnotic and mesmerizing display of interlocking and overlapping hypotrochoids and epicycloids. The circular shapes move and morph in response to changing coded parameters, creating a constantly evolving and dynamic visual experience.
Loading Throbber"acknowledges and engages with the common experience of waiting for a screen to load, while also subverting and transforming that experience, inviting the user to reflect on patience and impatience, productivity and pleasure, and different forms of labor.