
TatiPati Kids is an application for preparing service to teach kids coding and English language by age 7

Primary LanguageJava

Tatipati Kids Microservice


Welcome to Tatipati Tatipati Kids Microservice.

  1. A Spring Cloud Config server that is deployed as Docker container and can manage a services configuration information using a file system/ classpath or GitHub-based repository.
  2. A file service that will manage file data used within Tatipati.
  3. A MariaDB database used to hold the data.

Initial Configuration

  1. Apache Maven (http://maven.apache.org) All of the code examples in this book have been compiled with Java version 11.
  2. Git Client (http://git-scm.com)
  3. Docker(https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop)

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Maven, Java 11. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/picher_s/tatipati-ms

# To build the code examples for Chapter 5 as a docker image, open a command-line 
# window and execute the following command:
$ mvn clean package dockerfile:build

# Now we are going to use docker-compose to start the actual image.  To start the docker image, stay in the directory containing  your chapter 5 source code and  Run the following command: 
$ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

The build command

Will execute the Spotify dockerfile plugin defined in the pom.xml file.

This is a multiple Spring projects that need to be be built and compiled. Running the above command at the root of the project directory will build all of the projects. If everything builds successfully you should see a message indicating that the build was successful.

The Run command

This command will run our services using the docker-compose.yml file located in the /docker directory.

If everything starts correctly you should see a bunch of Spring Boot information fly by on standard out. At this point all of the services needed for the chapter code examples will be running.


You can find the database script as well in the docker directory.


I'd like you to send me an email on mahdi.elu@gmail.com about anything you'd want to say about this software.


Feel free to file an issue if it doesn't work for your code sample. Thanks.