
Here I'm gonna implement a perceptron from scratch and with out any frameworks ...

Primary LanguagePython


Here I'm gonna implement a perceptron from scratch and with out any frameworks ...

Implementing a simple percepron and training it with gradient descent optimizer for linear regression task with out any frameworks such as Keras etc.

I have two files here :

The first one is 1.py which is a simple implemtation that you can use it as for learning aspects... I mean there is a perceptron class which I can use it whenever I want with any training data required...

In the second file named 2.py there is a more practical implemenation using the first one but on the real data. Here I had a dataset of 200 points of x and y and what I did was training this dataset by a perceptron learning algorithm and see the result. Actually I had to have a big number of epochs becaue the data was really limited . At the end I have visualized my results by Matplotlib of python. I have attached the results in my files... Now I'm trying to make this better actually