
multithreaded file transfer using TCP in python .

Primary LanguagePython


multithreaded file transfer using TCP in python .

About The Project

This program provides file transfer services for hosts that have installed it .

It is implemented in simple peer to peer topology so that we have the list of active peers in activenodes.txt

Each peer has it's own server_date directory that shares with other and multiple hosts can access the text files inside it .

It uses 2 parallel thread for its communication :

serverMode: to handle authentication and connection requests .

clientMode: to connect to other peers .


git clone https://github.com/zahrasarami/multithreaded-file-transfer-using-TCP.git


1- set PORT and DATA_PATH varieble in code .

2-update activenodes.txt with your active peers .

3- run peer.py in linux terminal .

python3 peer.py 


LIST : List all the files from the server

UPLOAD filepath : Upload a file to the server

DOWNLOAD : Download a file from the server

DELETE filename : Delete a file from the server

LOGOUT : Disconnect from the server

HELP : List all the commands