
Realtime chat web app with rooms and username selection

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yabber Chat Application

Check out the website here : https://yabber-chat-app.herokuapp.com/

What is Yabber?

Yabber is a realtime web chat application created using web technologies. The app was designed with for communication purposes with influencers,brand teams and ambassadors in mind.


Yabber was created to aid in communication between influencers and brands during campaigns. By having various rooms, relying messages to multiple people is possible and much easier. Yabber is especially helpful for brands to contact their multiple influencers at once to explain guidelines for campaigns, as well as broadcast messages to their potential candidates. Yabber is not only for brands to interact with influencers, it can also be used in companys and brands who would like to speak in realtime to other team / staff members.

Tech Stack:

JavaScript, CSS, HTML, NodeJS, Socket.io, Express


  • cors, nodemon, express, moment, socket.io, express, query-string, scroll-to-bottom

Homepage or Join page of Yabber App Dropdown list of room options on Join page Inside chat room with one user Inside chat room with two users User leaves chat room